X25 daemon running

Risk Level: Low risk vulnerability  Low

Check or Attack Name: x25.inr

Platforms: Any

An X25 gateway service was detected as running. X25 allows an attacker to possibly gain access via an X.25 network rather than through TCP/IP.


Remove or disable the X25 daemon if it is not needed.

Unix: Disable X25 by putting # at the beginning of the snmp line in your etc/inetd.conf file (usually located in /etc) and then restarting inetd. Consult your vendor's documentation for more information.


  1. Open the Services control panel. From the Windows NT Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel, Services.
  2. From the Services list, select the X25 service.
  3. Select one of these choices:
    • To stop the X25 service for this session only, click Stop.
    • To permanently stop the X25 service, click Startup and choose the Disabled option.
    • Click OK.

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