100 PluginResources 101 Connection timeout (in seconds) 102 Reuse connections 103 Smtp Session 104 Manages connections to SMTP-based servers 105 This resource object is responsible for establishing and managing an active connection with an SMTP-based server. 106 Name 107 Short description 108 Full description 121 Help Path 122 iss_nt.chm::/proppg_smtp_session.htm\n 126 UDP Port Scanner 127 Scans a host for UDP services/daemons 128 This resource object is responsible for scanning a host and identifying all UDP services/daemons 129 iss_nt.chm::/proppg_udp_port_scanner.htm\n 130 Number of probes per scan 132 Interval between probes (in seconds) 133 Host Pinger 134 Pings a host 135 This resource object is responsible for pinging a host 136 iss_nt.chm::/proppg_host_pinger.htm\n 137 Pings per scan 138 Interval between pings (in milliseconds)