NetBIOS share writable

Risk Level: High risk vulnerability  High

Check or Attack Name: Writable NetBIOS share

Platforms: Samba, Windows for Workgroups: 3.11, OS/2, Windows 95

A NetBIOS share has been detected with no password required for write access. In some cases, an attacker can use these shares to gain access to the entire hard disk. Because anyone is allowed write access with no verification of user or password, this issue is considered a high risk vulnerability.


Remove the share.

Windows: Remove the share using one of the following options:

  • Remove the share from a local computer.
    1. From the local computer, open Windows NT Explorer.
    2. Navigate to the shared folder.
    3. Right-click the shared folder name and select Sharing to display the Properties dialog box.
    4. To disallow access to all users, select the Not Shared check box.
  • Remove the share from a remote computer.
    1. From a remote computer, open the Server Manager.
    2. Select the host name from the list.
    3. From the Computer menu, select Shared Directories to display the Shared Directories dialog box.
    4. Select the NetBIOS share
    5. Click Stop Sharing.
  • Remove the share from the command line. From a command prompt, type: net share sharename /delete

Other Operating Systems: Enable some form of access control as described in your OS documentation.


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