Glimpse HTTP aglimpse remote execution vulnerability

Risk Level: High risk vulnerability  High

Check or Attack Name: Aglimpse

Platforms: Glimpse: 2.0, Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

The aglimpse CGI script shipped with Glimpse HTTP 2.0 and WebGlimpse versions prior to 1.5 contains a vulnerability that would allow an attacker to remotely execute commands on a web server with the UID of the user running the httpd process.


Disable access to the aglimpse CGI script until you can upgrade to the latest version of WebGlimpse.


GLIMPSE: A tool to search entire file systems, GlimpseHTTP security,

CERT Vendor-Initiated Bulletin VB-97.13, Vulnerability in GlimpseHTTP and WebGlimpse CGI scripts,

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