TealGlance User's Manual

Program Version 3.28

Last Updated: August 17 2000

Table of Contents

Using the Program
   Setting Options
     Datebook Options
     ToDo Options
     Advanced Options
     Brainforest Options
Appendix A - Troubleshooting
   Installing and Running
   Other questions
Appendix B – Compatibility
Appendix C - Revision History
Appendix D - Credits
Appendix E - Contact Info
Appendix F - Registering
Appendix G - Disclaimer


Thank you for trying TealGlance. This application gives pops up a 'quick view' window at power-up showing commonly-needed information such as:

· Day of Week

· Date

· Time (Digital)

· Time (Analog)

· Battery Level Indicator

· Upcoming Datebook appointments

· Unchecked Top ToDo list items

TealGlance is fully configurable, providing options for adjusting delay time, ToDo category, display mode, and Time and Date format, and optional automatic backlight activation.


This archive contains the following files:

Program files:

The TealGlance program file

The CallGlance activating application, appears as 'Teal Glance' in the Applications screen

The HackMaster System Extensions Manager

Document files:

This document in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format

This document in HTML format (sans images)

This document in TealDoc format

TealPoint Registration form in HTML format

TealPoint Registration form in text format


Use the PalmPilot installer to install the program file TEALGLNC.PRC, CALLGLNC.PRC, and HACKMSTR.PRC, if you do not already have it on your machine. Instructions on how to use the PalmPilot installer are in the PalmPilot Handbook that came with your Pilot, PalmPilot, or WorkPad.

TealGlance uses the HackMaster System Extensions Manager by Edward Keyes (*See references below). This is a safe and standard way to add and manage extended system functionality on the PalmPilot.

Important note

Before updating or deleting any Hackmaster program like TealGlance, be sure to disable the application first in the Hackmaster control screen. Also turn off TealLock first if you are running this application. If you fail to do so, your TealGlance will not operate, and Hackmaster will get confused until you disable and re-enable TealGlance a few times.


TealGlance comes in two components.
The main part is a Hackmaster system extension, which is activated from within Hackmaster.
This component can be configured within Hackmaster to pop up the TealGlance display window on power up or with a double command stroke (see below).
To turn on TealGlance, simply click on the Hackmaster icon in the applications launcher, and click on the checkmark next to the TealGlance entry in the Hacks list.

The second component, CallGlance, will appear on your applications screen as a standard program labeled 'Teal Glance' (with space).
CallGlance provides an alternate way to activate TealGlance, keeping its display up indefinitely until you start another application.
This makes it suitable for staying on in the cradle as a constant time/task display.
CallGlance requires the main TealGlance component to be installed and activated to function.

Once TealGlance is activated, you will be able to configure it to quickly and neatly display the information that fits your individual needs.

Using the Program

By default, TealGlance is automatically activated when you turn on your Pilot using the green power button. The information window will pop up and disappear after a configurable time limit. To make the window disappear sooner, just click anywhere with the pen or press one of the buttons on the Pilot, such as the up and down scroll buttons. If you hold down the pen, TealGlance will stay on screen until you release it.

As an alternate way to bring up TealGlance, use the CallGlance program (appears as Teal Glance in the App launcher). The display will come up and stay on screen, updating itself every 30 seconds until another application is selected.

To configure TealGlance, activate the Hackmaster application and click on the plus (+) button next to TealGlance.
Here, you can adjust the format of the pop-up window, set the time it stays on screen, and adjust many other options.
Note that on a color Palm, the current version of Hackmaster does not display the (+) button correctly.

Additionally you may enter a keyword you receive when you register the product to remove the 'Please Register' text in the popup window. When you enter the password, the entry line in the config screen will still remain as it is, but you should not longer get the Please Register messages.

Datebook events appear in chronological order by start time, and are included up to an hour after start time (in case you're running late), or until the stop time has passed, whichever is latest. Tomorrow’s events are shown, if selected and there is room, after today's event separated by a horizontal line and enclosed in brackets.

Unchecked ToDo items in the selected category are shown sorted by priority. If you are using the Alt-ToDo feature, the current category can change depending on the time and day of the week. See options below for more info.

You may click on an entry to go to either the ToDo application or the Datebook application. This feature requires that your hardware buttons have the default mappings to the standard ToDo and Datebook apps. You will go to the correct day if clicking on a datebook item, but when going to the ToDo list application, the current category may not reflect the item you chose. You may also click on a checkmark box on the TealGlance screen to check-off a listed ToDo item, provided you are not activating TealGlance from within the ToDo application.

Setting Options

Set options by running Hackmaster and clicking on the '+' key next to the TealGlance listing.


The following options may be changed within the config screen.

List Items

Sets what to show in display area below time and date. Choices are Upcoming Datebook Appointments, ToDo items, None, or Both.

Activate By

Selects combinations of alternate ways to bring up TealGlance.

Power button:

When PalmPilot is turned on with the green power button

Application buttons:

Power up using the 4 application buttons on the pilot

Double-command stroke:

Doing the command graffiti stroke ( a slash from lower left to upper right) twice in succession.

Delay Time

Time Popup window stays up before automatically closing

Time Format

Format in which time appears

Date Format

Format in which date appears

Clock type

Choose Analog, Digital, Compact, or None (new for version 2.60)

Backlight Display

Allows automatic activation of backlight (if available) at power-up either all the time or only between dusk and dawn.


Set dawn time (for backlight option above).


Set dusk time (for backlight option above).

Enable when Locked

Set whether TealGlance is activated even if Pilot is locked.

Disable if off less than xxx mins

Doesn't come up if PDA is turned off less than a specified number of minutes

Disable after on for xxx mins

Set a minimum time between pop-ups, regardless of the Pilot's on/off state. After it's already been popped up, TealGlance won't come up at power-up again unless the specified number of minutes has passed.

Power Off after timeout

Turns off Pilot if TealGlance is activated at power-up and is allowed to time out without a key or pen press.

Bold Font

Use a bold font for appointment and ToDo item display

Datebook Options

The following options may be changed by pressing the 'Date Options' button on the config screen.

Show Tomorrow's events

With this option on, tomorrow's datebook items are shown below today's remaining ones, with a line separating the two.

Show Untimed events

With this option on, untimed events are shown in TealGlance.

Do full scan of datebook

By default, TealGlance assumes the datebook is sorted by date. The standard Palm applications guarantees this to be true. Unfortunately, many third-party conduits and hotsync replacement programs have bugs with scramble the Datebook, causing entries not to appear in TealGlance. Choosing this option forces TealGlance to look through the whole datebook each time, so it will find items even in a corrupt datebook database.

ToDo Options

The following options may be changed by pressing the 'To Do Options' button on the config screen.

Show when due

Allows filtering of which ToDo items to show by Due Date Choices Are:

Show All

Show ToDo items ignoring Due Date

Due Today

Only show items due Today or earlier

Due Sometime

Only show items with some due date set

Today or Unset

Only show items due Today or without a due date set

Primary Categories

Sets the default categories of ToDo items to be shown. Up to two categories can be selected. If only one is needed, set them to be the same.

NOTE: Palm OS 2.0 (PalmPilot Personal and Professional) filters out empty ToDo categories from appearing in the settings menu. Because of this you will not be able to select a Category if it is empty. If this happens, just create a temporary ToDo entry to make the category appear.

Alt Categories

Sets the alternate categories of ToDo items to be shown during non-primary hours (by default 9am-6pm Monday through Friday).

Primary Beg Time

Sets start time for when the Primary ToDo category becomes valid.

Primary End Time

Sets end time for when the Primary ToDo category becomes invalid.

Primary ToDo Days

Selects days for which the Primary ToDo category is valid.

Advanced Options

The following options may be changed by pressing the 'Advanced' button on the config screen.

Simulated Buttons for Goto

Simulates a press of one of the app buttons for app-goto instead of directly calling the system applications. You can use this option if you're using a ToDo or datebook replacement and want to go to it instead of the standard system app. If the app you want to call is 100% compatible with the standard app, you can use the Alt Date App and Alt ToDo App options below.

Pass-thru button presses

Normally, if you press a button when TealGlance's screen is up, it dismisses TealGlance, but doesn't perform its normal function afterwards. This allows you to, say, press the Power button twice when turning on the PalmPilot to immediately dismiss TealGlance. When this option is set, the key instead performs its normal function after TealGlance goes away.

Ignore pager activation

If selected, this option forces TealGlance to check it the PDA were woken up by pager hardware. If true, TealGlance will not come up. If you do not have Pager hardware or a Palm VII, you should leave this unchecked, as as it makes some assumptions about the hardware you are running to make its check.

Disable <xxx>button power-on

This feature allows you to prevent accidental power-on, particularly on a Palm V, by automatically turning off the Pilot if turned on via a specified key.

Scan for alternate files

Some desktop synchronizing programs create datebook files with different names than the standard 'DatebookDB' database. Set this option to tell TealGlance to scan for these databases as well, especially if you are finding that datebook entries are not being shown.

Alt Date App

Select and set this option to choose a Datebook replacement app to call when you click on a datebook item. Note that the replacement application must be 100% compatible with standard app's record-goto mechanism to work properly.

Alt ToDo App

Select and set this option to choose a To-Do List replacement app to call when you click on a ToDo item. Note that the replacement application must be 100% compatible with standard app's record-goto mechanism to work properly.

Brainforest Options

TealGlance offers support for using Aportis Brainforest trees as sources for ToDo items. You can select up to two Brainforest trees to be scanned at any one time. Two can be set to supplement the Primary ToDo Categories and another two can be set to supplement the Alternate ToDo Categories. The entries are treated as standard ToDo entries, ignoring repeating and start dates.

Note that clicking on a Brainforest item will start Brainforest, but won't automatically take you directly to that item or tree due to differences between the standard applications' record-goto mechanism and Brainforest.

The following options may be changed by pressing the 'Brainforest' button on the config screen.

Primary Trees #1 and #2

These are the two trees that can be used as sources for ToDo items during Primary ToDo hours.

Alternate Trees #1 and #2

These are the two trees that can be used as sources for ToDo items during Non-Primary ToDo hours.

Show root branches only

By default, TealGlance scans down a Brainforest tree from top down, reading all leaves of the tree. If you set this option, only items from the topmost level (Leftmost in Brainforest) get displayed.

Show before standard

If set Brainforest entries appear before standard ToDos instead of after them.

Show Memo leaves

Shows memo-type leaves in TealGlance. They appear in the ToDo list with a rectangular document icon instead of a checkbox.

Show ToDo leaves

Shows ToDo-type leaves in TealGlance. They appear the same as ToDo list items from the standard ToDoList application. If neither this nor the previous option is set, no Brainforest items will appear.

Appendix A - Troubleshooting

Installing and Running

If you are having problems getting the program to run, be sure that you have installed all three files: Hackmaster, TealGlance, and CallGlance. Refer to the PalmPilot manual that came with your unit if you are unsure how to do this.

Afterwards, be sure to activate TealGlance by running Hackmaster and selecting the checkmark next to TealGlance. If it still does not work, try un-selecting and re-selecting the checkmark. If Hackmaster has gotten confused because you either updated or deleted TealGlance without first deselecting it in Hackmaster, Hackmaster will likely crash, but with no lingering side effects afterwards.

Lastly, check the TealGlance options in Hackmaster ('+' key) to insure it is set up to activate by your desired choices.

Other questions

It doesn't work properly with Fitaly Keyboard

Make sure TealGlance appears above Fitaly Keyboard in Hackmaster's list of hacks. Do this by deactivating and reactivating TealGlance. Also make sure you have the latest TealGlance.

It doesn't work properly with DateBk3 alarms

Make sure you are running version 3.0 or newer of Datebk3. This new version reportedly reduces stack usage, making it much more compatible with hacks like TealGlance.

I deleted it and it still comes up

As noted in the documentation, before deleting TealGlance or any Hackmaster app, you must first turn off the program in Hackmaster. If you forgot, you'll need to restart the PalmPilot using the pinhole in the back.

TealGlance still doesn't come up at power-on

Are you running PowerHack? Make sure TealGlance appears first in the Hackmaster list by deactivating and reactivating it.

My datebook events aren't showing

TealGlance only shows upcoming events, not those that have expired, and will show as many as will fit, unless you have TealGlance setup to show To-Do items as well. If this is the case, it will stop at half screen. When you register, the space behind the 'Please Register' box will also become available.

I checked. They still aren't showing

If you are running Groupwise/Syncwise (or similar sync/datebook replacement), this program appears to have a bug that mis-sorts the datebook database, rendering some items invisible. To check, download dbScan from http://www.gorilla-haven.org/pimlico, which can be used to check the datebook database's integrity. TealGlance 2.62 added a feature that assumes a damaged database and does a full scan of the database each time. TealGlance 2.83 added a feature to skip over damaged records in the database instead of aborting when it encounters one.

I'm running Easysync. Is that a problem?

It appears to be. The Easysync package seems to rename the datebook database so TealGlance can't find it. Try setting the "scan for alternate files" options in the advanced options screen.

Can TealGlance's screen scroll?

Not yet, as it was intended to just preview the next thing coming up. We may add this in a future version.

I hot-synced a new version and it crashed

As noted in the documentation, before hot-syncing a new version, you must turn off the program in Hackmaster.

Help. TealGlance locks up.

Check to see what other applications are running. There are known incompatibilities with CheckIn and GlowHack. You should no longer need GlowHack, as TealGlance has options to provide GlowHack functionality. We are currently also looking into possible interactions with Snoozehack and 'memoplus' alarms.

Can TealGlance show Franklin Ascend to-do items?

Not currently, as Franklin's data format is not public knowledge. We are currently exploring this possibility. The Franklin folks have contacted us, but have yet to prepare and send us a data specification so we can continue.

It crashes when I press the Register button. I am using EVPlugBase.

This is a bug in the Hackmaster replacement EVPlugBase. We recommend using Hackmaster instead until the EVPlugBase is fixed to accurately mirror Hackmaster's behavior.

TealGlance doesn't work with the Palm V button hack.

Use the power-up button disabling features in the Advanced config screen of TealGlance 2.80 or greater. These allow you to automatically turn off the Palm if it is accidentally turned on by one or more specified keys.

Appendix B – Compatibility

As we cannot control the style and robustness of other products, we cannot guarantee compatibility with PalmPilot applications beyond those included from Palm Computing. However, we try to resolve compatibility issues as best we can, working with other developers where possible.

TealGlance, like all Hackmaster applications, hook into the PalmPilot operating system in a way which may not be compatible with all other programs of this type, as all such programs must share limited system resources. If you experience unexpected behavior or crashes, always try disabling all other hacks to diagnose whether what you experience is the result of a conflict.

Palm V Button Hack

Use the TealGlance "disable power-on" features under the advanced menu instead to access some of the same functions.


The Pilot reportedly crashes upon pressing the 'Register' button when using this Hackmaster replacement. We recommend using Hackmaster instead until EVPlugBase is upgraded to fix this bug.


ReDo wakes up your Pilot at midnight to reschedule events. The new version of TealGlance ignores alarms at midnight to avoid coming up at this time. Set ReDo's wake time to midnight to best avoid a conflict.

Fitaly Keyboard

Fitaly Keyboard does some intense hacking of the Operating System to do its stuff. Be sure TealGlance appears *above* Check-In in the list of hacks in HackMaster. When you decactive (uncheck) and reactivate (check) a hack in the list, it's moved to the top of the list.


Known to crash when TealGlance is active.
Use TealGlance's backlight-activation option instead


Make sure you have an updated version of PowerHack. Version 0.95 reportedly fixes a previous conflict with TealGlance.

Franklin Ascend

No compatibility problems, but we're currently accessing the demand and viability of adding an option to list Ascend ToDo items instead of the standard PalmPilot ToDo application as a service to your customers who use Ascend.


Compatibility options have been added with TealGlance 3.0. Note that clicking on a Brainforest item won't take you directly to that item, however, due to differences between the standard applications' record-goto mechanism and Brainforest.


Check-In seems to have some compatibility problems with TealGlance. When using Check-In, be sure TealGlance appears below Check-In in the list of hacks in Hackmaster. When you deactivate (uncheck) and reactivate (check) a hack in the list, it's moved to the top of the list. Better yet, use TealLock instead.


Make sure you have Datebk3 version 3.0 or newer, which greatly decreases stack uses for compatibility.


We believe this hot-sync application can corrupt the datebook database and do not recommend it for this reason. If you find datebook items are not appearing when they should, try selecting the "Do full scan of datebook" option under the details menu. If this works, download the freely downloadable program dbScan to check/fix corrupted datebook records.

Appendix C - Revision History

Updates to Version 3.28 – August 17, 2000

· Added Color Icons for Palm IIIc

· Added Color display elements for Palm IIIc

· Fixed “Scan for alternate files” preferences item, which had previously had no effect

Updates to Version 3.27:

· Added advanced option to scan for alternate datebook files (was default behavior)

· Made todo list code smart to eliminate duplicate entries when one category is set to 'all'

· Reduced stack usage for better stability during alarms

· Added a little color support

· Fixed command stroke activation under PalmOS 3.5

· Fixed registration crash

Updates to Version 3.23B:

· Fixed activation from TealScript

Updates to Version 3.23:

· Changing spacing character to not conflict with euro sign in os 3.1

Updates to Version 3.22:

· Added full-screen display for cleaner look and more display space.

· Added small list icon to TealGlance calling application

· Fixed bug detecting pen tap positions

· Fixed recognition of Hotsync button under OS 3.1 (Button should be pressed and held momentarily)

· Fixed display of brackets for tomorrow's events

· Changed to scan for any Datebook databases including SyncWise ones

· Added support code for future OS compatibility

Updates to Version 3.00:

· Added Brainforest support

· Added support for two ToDo categories at once

· Added ability to choose app to launch when clicking on an item

· Added option to specify minimum time between popups.

· Added bold font option

· Added advanced option to prevent accidental Palm V activation.

· Added code to skip over bad records in database

· Added compatibility option for EasySync SyncDatebookDB database

· Improved item selection to allow changing choice by dragging pen

· Reduced stack usage for better compatibility

· Fixed false item selection

· Fixed to respond to Palm V contrast button.

· Fixed event-handling bugs in Calling App.

Updates to Version 2.79:

· Added support for auto-starting DateBk3 on datebook item click

· Added option to do full scan of datebook for missing entries

· Added option to show untimed events

· Added "None" clock option for bare-bones display

· Added "Ignore Pager activation" option

· Added "Debug" Test Mode for datebook options

· Revamped configuration screens to make them much more readable

· Fixed pen tap compatibility with OS 3.1

· Fixed compatibility with PalmV lithium ion battery levels

· Fixed errant memory bug

· Fixed pen taps from re-echoing on datebook or ToDo selection

· Fixed echoing of app keys on powerup not to change categories

Updates to Version 2.57:

· Added compatibility with the Motorola pager card.

Updates to Version 2.56:

· Fixed bug where app buttons treated like power button when TealLock up

Updates to Version 2.55:

· Resets alarm code on normal program launch

· Reinstated old alarm prevention code

Updates to Version 2.53:

· Added compatibility to ReDo midnight activation.

· Fixed bug where old key events might repeat after alarm activation

· Added timeout limit to prevent staying on with alarms

· Restructured alarm code to be compatible with Redo; other apps

Updates to Version 2.46:

· Fixes bug not activating after HotSync until after button press

· No longer interferes with powering-up using hotsync button.

Updates to Version 2.45:

· Fixed crash involving multiple stacked alarms

· Fixed memory corruption with ToDo lists

· Auto-activates registration key entry line

· Removed timing delay that affected text entry; TealEcho glitches

Updates to Version 2.40:

· Added "Auto Off Afterwards" Option

· Added "Min Off Time" Option

· Added "Use Simulated Buttons for Goto" Option

· Now goes to appropriate ToDo category and item when "direct call" goto option is used

· Activates correctly if Pilot turned off with PAL or other software button instead of hw button.

· Backlighting options fixed to work correctly with TealLock

· Activating with app buttons correctly interacts with TealLock 1.20b

· TealGlance now properly disabled with TealLock on initial Locking

· Datebook time formatting fixed with "12.00" option.

Updates to Version 2.31:

· Fixed bug where TealGlance thinks pilot is locked if TealLock is not present

Updates to Version 2.30:

· Added option not to filter out key presses when TealGlance is up

· Clicking on item takes you to correct app regardless of button settings

· Clicking on datebook item no longer flashes to launcher menu

· Now does not come up if timed out and restarted within 15 seconds

· Now shows empty ToDo categories too in configuration options

· Added support for databases in extended memory cards

· Added support for new program "TealLock"

· Fixed graphic bug interacting with TealEcho

· Reduced stack usage for better compatibility with other programs

Updates to Version 2.20:

· Can now check and uncheck ToDo list items in TealGlance screen, unless current application is ToDo App (in which case the database file will be flagged as in use by the ToDo App and is not changeable from within TealGlance).

· Added option to activate even when Pilot is locked.

· Stays inactive if pilot activated by an Alarm. Should fix problems involving conflicts and battery drain when alarms activate TealGlance.

· Clicking on a datebook item now takes to you the correct day, even if currently running the Datebook application. Note: screen briefly flashes to Launcher application when changing apps.

· Can now click on items from within "CallGlance" launcher program to go to listed items or check checklist items.

· Datebook items changed to stay on screen until event end time passes in addition to previous criteria of being one hour past start time.

· Redundant time display removed from digital clock mode, yielding more display space.

· Upon passkey entry gives feedback on whether key is correct

· Warns if Alt ToDo time range is invalid (when start time later than end)

· Fixed bug where datebook items starting at midnight always showed up.

Updates to Version 2.10:

· Clicking on Datebook item launches datebook on appropriate date

· Clicking on ToDo item launches ToDo application (but does not set category)

· Fixed bug where repeating weekly records appear twice sometimes

· Limit pen-down hold time to two minutes to prevent accidental battery loss

· Recalibrated battery meter to critical level;

· Added battery tick marks to indicate warning level (prior zero level)

· Modified to prevent undesirable popups in reaction to other programs

Updates to Version 2.02:

· Fixed bug where deleted datebook events disable list if private records are hidden

Updates to Version 2.01:

· Recalibrated battery meter to match Application screen; less like LaunchPad

· Changed ToDo Due indicators to respect European date formats

· Fixed crash bug in config screens

Updates to Version 2.00:

· Much faster display, even with large Datebook databases.

· Added Compact display option to maximize size of list area.

· Added Battery Level indicator to main display.

· Added extra long delay times.

· Added ToDo Due options: Today or Unset and Due Sometime

· Added time-and-day-selectable alternate second ToDo category.

· Added User-adjustable dawn and dusk times for backlight activation.

· Added due-date indication to ToDo entries.

· Fixed to correctly hide and show private records and ToDos under OS2.x

· Fixed to no longer activate when PalmPilot is locked.

· Fixed backlighting activation bug.

· Fixed activation failure bug.

· Fixed bug with deleted datebook items.

Updates to Version 1.10:

· Makes showing of tomorrow's appointments an option

· Divides tomorrow's appointments and puts them in brackets for clarity

· Adds optional automatic backlight-activation on powerup, either 24-hours or only between 6pm and 8am

· Now shows formerly missing repeating events (finally)

· Enlarged display box, now fits full date

· Swapped/renamed ok/cancel buttons to fit style guidelines

Updates to Version 1.08:

· Shows tomorrow's appointments if space is available (with arrows)

· Adds double-stroke only option, where power-up activation is disabled

· Fixes app buttons behaving incorrectly

· Fixes HotSync button misbehaving

· Fixes Green Power button funkiness

· Fixes incorrect showing of untimed events at midnight

· Fixes One-second delay bug

Updates to Version 1.07:

· Fixes monthly repeating events showing up unexpectedly

· Fixes weekly events not showing up

· Disables TealGlance when powered up by hotsync button

· Hides private datebook items when preferences so set

· Shows private ToDo items when preferences so set

Updates to Version 1.06:

· CallGlance - an independent program that calls up TealGlance, keeping it onscreen until dismissed.

· Graffiti Shortcut - Option to activate using a double-Command graffiti stroke.

· Fixed Monthly Repeat- Fixed missing/extra bugs with month-repeat items

· Digital Clock - Option for large digital clock to replace analog one.

· Expired ToDo - Show expired ToDo items when "Due Today" is chosen.

· Power Cycle - Doesn't appear if restarted within 15 seconds of an automatic shut-off.

· European Formats - Supports multiple time formats in Datebook and digital clock.

· Fast Update - Displays datebook items much faster.

· Application Buttons - Option to activate when powered on with application buttons instead of green power button.

· Block events - Doesn't pass click or button events used to shut it off. Now, power button can be used to turn off TealGlance without turning off Pilot.

Updates to Version 1.02:

· Fixed conflict with bug in PAL launcher,

· Added ToDo due-date option,

· Window shrinks when show option is "nothing"

· Window stays up when pen is held down

· Window closes after pen pressed down and lifted

· Pen clicks not pass through to application below

· Fixed erroneously-showing monthly repeat items

· ToDo categories no longer loop.

Appendix D - Credits

Manual by Vince Lee, Tex Tennison, and Diane Dybalski

Appendix E - Contact Info

TealGlance by TealPoint Software

©1999-2000 All Rights Reserved.

TealPoint Software

454 Las Gallinas Ave #318

San Rafael, CA 94903-3618

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please visit us at www.tealpoint.com, or email us at contact@tealpoint.com.

Appendix F - Registering

Currently, you may register by snail mail, electronically through our website at www.tealpoint.com with a credit card and a secured server, or through PalmGear HQ at 1-800-741-9070. For the first option, the enclosed registration form is provided for your convenience. You may use this form or simply send the following to the address above.

§ Product Name

§ E-Mail Address

§ HotSync User ID (Pilot Name Required for Passkey generation. It can be found on the main screen of the HotSync application on the Pilot as "Welcome ________" or in the corner on a PalmIII or higher)

§ Check (drawn off a US Bank) or Money Order for ($11.95 US) to TealPoint Software

Appendix G - Disclaimer

We at TealPoint Software are committed to providing quality, easy-to-use software. However, this product is provided without warranty and the user accepts full responsibility for any damages, consequential or otherwise, resulting from its use.

This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete, unmodified form with no additional files and for noncommercial purposes only. Any other use must have prior written authorization from TealPoint Software.

Unauthorized commercial use includes, but is not limited to:

§ A product for sale.

§ Accompanying a product for sale.

§ Accompanying a magazine, book or other publication for sale.

§ Distribution with "Media", "Copying" or other incidental costs.

§ Available for download with access or download fees.

This program may be used on a trial basis for 30 days. The program will continue to function afterwards. However, if after this time you wish to continue using it, please register with us for the nominal fee listed in the program.

Thank you.