Super Names User's Manual
Stand Alone, Inc.

Table of Contents

1 Welcome and Registration
1.1 About Super Names
1.2 System Requirements
1.3 Registering Super Names
1.4 Contacting Stand Alone Inc.
1.4.1 Business Hours
1.4.2 Email
1.4.3 Phone
1.4.4 Regular Mail
1.4.5 World Wide Web
1.5 Reporting Bugs

2 Installing, Upgrading, and Removing Super Names
2.1 Installation
2.2 Upgrading Super Names
2.2.1 Upgrading from Versions Earlier Than 1.2
2.2.2 Upgrading from Versions Earlier Than 1.5
2.3 Removing Super Names

3 Using Super Names
3.1 First Impressions
3.1.1 Applications Screen
3.1.2 Address Button
3.2 Super Names List Screen
3.2.1 Address Label
3.2.2 Folder Tabs
3.2.3 Field Order
3.2.4 A-Z Tabs
3.2.5 Check Boxes
3.2.6 Notes
3.2.7 Links
3.2.8 Scroll Bar
3.2.9 New
3.2.10 The Look-up Function
3.2.11 Mini Address View
3.2.12 Address Entries

4 List Screen Menu Options
4.1 List Menu
4.1.1 New Address
4.1.2 Select All
4.1.3 Clear Selected
4.1.4 Delete Selected
4.1.5 Duplicate Selected
4.1.6 Beam Selected
4.1.7 Beam Category
4.1.8 Beam Business Card
4.1.9 New Display Field
4.2 Options Menu
4.2.1 Preferences
4.2.2 List Settings
4.2.3 Folder Setup
4.2.4 Rename Custom Fields
4.2.5 Phone Abbreviations
4.2.6 Override Address Button
4.2.7 Install/Remove SN Find
4.2.8 Enter Registration Code

5 Address Card Enhancements
5.1 New Fields
5.2 Linking
5.2.1 Linking Names
5.2.2 Linking Appointments
5.2.3 Linking To Do Tasks
5.2.4 Linking to Memo Links
5.2.5 Unlinking
5.2.6 Accessing Your Links
5.2.7 Links and the Built In Address Book
5.3 Record Menu
5.3.1 New Address
5.3.2 Edit Address
5.3.3 Delete Address
5.3.4 Duplicate Address
5.3.5 Duplicate Address w/o Name
5.3.6 Attach Note
5.3.7 Delete Note
5.3.8 Toggle Link Display
5.3.9 Select Business Card
5.3.10 Beam Address
5.3.11 Beam Business Card
5.4 Options Menu
5.4.1 Preferences
5.4.2 View Preferences
5.4.3 Font
5.4.4 Rename Custom Fields
5.5 Address Edit Screen
5.5.1 Links
5.5.2 Folder Tabs
5.5.3 Private
5.5.4 Setting the Date
5.5.5 Notes


1 Welcome and Registration

1.1 About Super Names
Super Names is a series of enhancements for the Address book included with the Palm OS. It gives you faster access to your names and Addresses, links between Address cards and other items, and many other options that make it easier to access your information.

Included in this archive are the following packages:

This is the software package that you need to install on your Palm organizer.

Install this package if you are updating Super Names from a version pre-1.5.

This is a text only format of the users' manual.

A list of all of the software available from Stand Alone, Inc.

1.2 System Requirements
Super Names is designed to work on both the Palm organizer, Professional and Personal units, as well as the Palm III, IIIx, IIIc, IIIxe, IIIe, V, Vx, VII, TRGPro, SymbolUnits, Handspring devices, as well as any device using Palm OS 3.0 or later. Throughout this manual, Palm device is used to refer to any of these units.

1.3 Registering Super Names
Super Names is shareware, and costs $19.95

The Super Names Demo will work for a 30 day trial period. At the end of the 30 days, it will stop working. After it expires, you will be unable to access any additional information Super Names has added, nor any of its links. To avert this tragedy, you will need to get in touch with Stand Alone to purchase your software. You can register with us by several different methods. Before it expires, it is fully functional, with no hidden features.

You will need to include the following information, no matter how you choose to register. Most importantly, you need to include your name EXACTLY as it is entered in your Palm organizer, including spaces. We use this to generate your password, so it must be precise. You will need to specify which programs you wish to register, and include payment for each of them. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. If you are using normal mail, you can send us a check as well. Make sure to include your card number, the expiration date, and what type of card you are using. You also need to give us a way to get in touch with you. Email is the preferred way, followed by your Address and phone number. An Email Address is not strictly necessary, but it will result in much faster service.

For instant gratification, register by phone, and pay using Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. To do so, call (773) 477-2492 and we will give you a password right over the phone.

Alternatively, you can send us a check to the Address below.

You can also email us. Just email us the relevant information, and we'll send you a code. It is also possible to purchase Super Names through PalmGear HQ at

Once you register, you will receive a registration code from us. To install the code, first tap on the Menu silkscreen button. Then, select Options, and tap Enter Registration Code. Finally, enter your password on the space provided.

1.4 Contacting Stand Alone Inc.
There are several ways to get in touch with us here at Stand Alone, Inc. Email is the preferred form of communication, but whatever works for you is fine. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or compliments, please don't hesitate to contact us through any of the methods listed below.

1.4.1 Business Hours
Stand Alone is open from 9 AM to 5 PM Monday to Friday. We are closed on Saturday and Sunday. These times are CST and GMT -5.

1.4.2 Email

1.4.3 Phone
Voice: (773) 477-2492
Fax: (773) 477-2579

1.4.4 Regular Mail
Stand Alone
3862 N. Lincoln, 2ud Floor
Chicago IL, 60613
1.4.5 World Wide Web

1.5 Reporting Bugs
If you find a bug in our software, it would be helpful if you reported the bug to us. To report a bug, please Email us with Bug Report Request in the subject line. In the email, include the following information:

oWhat type of Palm device you are using (i.e. Palm IIIx)
oThe software name and version number (i.e. Super Names v1.5)
oThe error message
oA brief description of how we can recreate the error
oYour name and Email Address so we can contact you when the bug is fixed

When reporting bugs, it is best to Email us, rather than calling, so that the programmers have a written record of the information they need to solve the problem.
As soon as we receive your Email, the programmer will examine the problem, and fix it.. Because our programmers are busy creating software, it can take a while for them to reply, but they will release a new version of the software that fixes the bug as soon as they can.

2 Installing, Upgrading, and Removing Super Names

2.1 Installation
When you first install Super Names, follow the normal procedure for installing any Palm OS software using Palm Desktop, Palm Buddy, or Backup Buddy.

2.2 Upgrading Super Names

2.2.1 Upgrading From Versions Earlier Than 1.2
If your current version of Super Names is earlier than 1.2, and you wish to upgrade to 1.2 or later, you need to follow a special installation procedure. Once you have version 1.2 or later installed, you will not need to perform the special installation procedure in the future. However, it is suggested that you always uninstall Super Names Find before installing a new version of Super Names.

Step 1: Perform a HotSync with your desktop computer.
Step 2: Go into the App Launcher and remove Super names using the Delete option.
Step 3: Return to your desktop computer, and install both the new version of Super Names and the file labeled Super Names Links, which should be in your Backup directory or folder.
Step 4: Finally, perform another HotSync, which will install both the new version of Super Names and all your Linked information.
Step 5: Run the SN Converter program which was included with your Super Names.

2.2.2 Upgrading From Versions Earlier Than 1.5
Install Super Names and SN Converter on your Palm device. Run SNConverter to update your Super Names Links information.

2.3 Removing Super Names
If you decide to remove Super Names, you need to make certain to deactivate the Super Names Find feature. Super Names Find is located in the Options menu. Select it, and a message window will appear telling you if Super Names Find is installed or not, and giving you the option to install or remove it. Once Super Names Find is uninstalled, you can delete Super Names through the normal process by using the Memory application.

IMPORTANT: When removing Super Names, make certain that you do not delete the Address application that came with your Palm organizer. Only delete the Super Names application.

3 Using Super Names
Super Names is a set of enhancements for the Palm OS which adds a number of new features which make it faster and easier to use the Palm device's Address Book.

Note: All screen shotswith color were taken from the Palm IIIc. These screens appear without color on other Palm devices.

3.1 First Impressions
When you first install Super Names, open it through the applications screen.

3.1.1 Applications Screen
To open Super Names, tap on the Home icon, and then tap on the Super Names.

3.1.2 Address Button
Super Names gives you the option to override the Address Book button so that it opens Super Names instead of the built-in Address Book application. The first time you open Super Names after installation, a window will appear giving you the option to override the Address button. If you elect not to override the button, you can do so at any time by selecting "Override Address Button" from the "Options" menu.


3.2 Super Names List Screen
Once you open Super Names, the first screen you will see is the List screen. It is similar to the Address list screen, but includes many new enhancements.

If you have a Palm IIIc, you can take advantage of Super Names' new color options.

3.2.1 Address Label
The Address Label has two new functions. First, it lists the number of Address listings in the current folder. In addition, when you tap the Address Label a menu pops up that includes The last 15 recently accessed names. You can turn off the number feature via the List Settings menu option described in Section 4.2.2.

3.2.2 Folder Tabs
Across the top of the List screen are found several folder tabs. The tab marking the current folder is in front of the other tabs. To switch between folders, simply tap on the desired folder tab. You can decide the order, color, and number of tabs through Folder Set Up found in the Options menu described in Section 4.2.3. The Folder Tabs also make it easy to re-file your Address. To re-file an Address, select the desired Address from the current list and drag it to the tab marking the folder where you wish it to be filed.

3.2.3 Sort Order
To the right of the Address tab is the Field Order icon. Tap this icon to bring up a picker where you can set the order in which fields are displayed on the List Screen.

3.2.4 A-Z Tabs
The Index tabs are found underneath the folder tabs in the form of the alphabet. Tapping on a letter of the alphabet moves the Address list to the first entry of that letter. You can move the Index to the bottom or either side of the screen, or hide it through the List Settings found in the Options menu described in Section 4.2.2.

3.2.5 Check Boxes
Super Names gives you a check box next to each entry, making it easy to re-file, delete or duplicate multiple Addresses. To select an entry, tap on its check box. To hide or show the check boxes, tap the checked box in the lower right hand corner. If this box is checked, the boxes next to the entries will be shown. If it is unchecked, then they will all be hidden. If you have one or more names selected, you can re-file them by selecting a new category from the picker in the upper right corner of the screen.

3.2.6 Notes
If an Address has a note associated with it, an icon will appear to the right of the entry. Tap on this icon to view or edit the note. This will only display if the "Show Notes" checkbox is tapped in the "List Settings" window.

3.2.7 Links
If an Address has a Link associated with it, the Link icon will appear to the right of the entry. Tap on this icon to view a list of all links. Linking is fully explained in Section 5.2. This will only display if the "Show Links" checkbox is tapped in the "List Settings" window.

3.2.8 Scroll Bar
Super Names includes a scroll bar to the right of the Address entries to make it easier to scroll through your Addresses. This bar can be shown or hidden through the List Settings found in the Options menu described in Section 4.2.2.

3.2.9 New
Tap this button to create a new Address card.

3.2.10 The Look-up Function
Just as in the normal Address book, you can look up names by entering the first few letters on the line at the bottom of the screen.

3.2.11 Mini Address View
Super Names displays the current Address in a mini-view at the bottom of the main screen. To turn the mini-view off and on, tap the arrow next to the Look-up entry line. At the bottom of the Mini Address View, there are four icons. Tap the face to view the name of the current Address. Tap the phone to view the phone number. Tap the house to view the street address, and tap the (. . .) to view any additional information in the Address.

3.3 Address Entries
Tapping on the Address entry will do one of two things. If you tap on the Address name, it will take you to the entry's Address Screen. If you tap on the entry's number, a menu appears with a list of all included numbers, as well as an option to add a number. Selecting a number will make that number appear in the list.

4 List Screen Menu Options
The List Screen Menus are accessed by tapping the Menu silk-screen button while at the List screen.

4.1 List Menu
All of the following options are found under the List menu

4.1.1 New Address
Select this option to create a new Address.

4.1.2 Select All
Selecting this option selects all of the Addresses in the current category. If an Address is selected, its check box will checked.

4.1.3 Clear Selected
This option deselects all of the Addresses in the current category.

4.1.4 Delete Selected
This option deletes all selected addresses.

4.1.5 Duplicate Selected
Selecting this option duplicates any Addresses that are currently selected.

4.1.6 Beam Selected
Selecting this option will beam any selected Addresses to another Palm device. This feature only works with Palm OS 3.0 or higher.

4.1.7 Beam Category
Selecting this option will beam every name in the current category to another Palm device. This feature only works with Palm OS 3.0 or higher. If Super Names has been installed on the receiving Palm device, all of the Super Names info will be beamed. If the receiving Palm device does not have Super Names, only the standard information will be beamed. SN Find must be installed in order to receive any of the special Super Names information.

4.1.8 Beam Business Card
Selecting this option will beam your business card to another Palm device. This feature only works with Palm OS 3.0 or higher. You can select your business card by going to the desired entry in Super Names and choosing "Select Business Card" from the "Record" menu. You can only have one business card selected at a time, and selecting a new one will deselect the old. There is no way to 'clear' the current business card other than selecting a new one. Additionally, pressing and holding the Address button will beam your business card.

4.1.9 New Display Field
Selecting this option brings up a menu from which you can choose which field will be displayed. This option sets field for the first Address on the screen.

4.2 Options Menu
All of the following features are found under the Options Menu.

4.2.1 Preferences Screen

Open to Folder
Use the picker in this preference to set the folder which will be displayed when Super Names is opened.

Return to Previous Name
If you leave Super Names while viewing a name by opening another application, when you return to Super Names it will show the previous name instead of the main list screen.

Use Address button to Cycle Through Tab Categories Only.
If this preference is checked, tapping the Address button will cycle through Super Names' folders.

Resort Database After HotSync
Selecting this preference will have Super Names resort the Address database after a HotSync. This option is useful if you are using a non-standard sorting method.

Add Date Items to DateBook
If this preference is selected, any date items you create in Super Names will automatically be added to your DateBook.

Popup Recent Names via Title
Checking this preference sets the popup menu accessed from the Address tab to be listed by title.

The bottom of the Preferences screen tells you if SN Find has been installed or not.

4.2.2 List Settings
This menu controls many of the special features of the list menu.

You can select the List screen font from this picker. If you wish to have condensed text, check the box next to condensed.

A-Z Tabs
Using these boxes, you can decide to have the Index tabs hidden, or on any of the four sides of the screen. The shaded box shows the current location of the Index tabs.

Default Sort
Use this picker to choose the order in which the Address entry information is displayed.

Show Links
This box allows you to display the Links icon to the right of an Address entry in the List screen. If this box is checked, then the Link icon is displayed if there are links for the Address. If it is unchecked, then the icon is hidden.

Show Count
Check this box to display the number of Addresses in your Palm device.

Use Scroll Bar
If this box is checked, the scroll bar is visible. If it is unchecked, the scroll bar is hidden.

Show Notes
This box allows you to display the Notes icon to the right of an Address entry in the list screen. If this box is checked, then the Notes icon is displayed if there are notes for the Address. If it is unchecked, then the icon is hidden.

Show Folder Tabs
This option lets you show or hide the Folder Tabs. If this box is checked, the Folder Tabs are shown, and if it is unchecked they are hidden.

4.2.3 Folder Setup
The Folder setup screen allows you to choose which folders are displayed, and set the colors of the folder tabs. To display a folder, check the tab box. If the box is unchecked, the folder will not be displayed. To used folder colors, check the box at the bottom of the screen. To set the color of a folder tab, tap the colored box next to the folder name, and select a color from the screen which appears.

It is also possible to reorder the folder tabs using this screen. To reorder the folder tabs, uncheck all the folders, and then recheck them in the order you wish them to appear on the screen.

4.2.4 Rename Custom Fields
You can use this screen to change the names of the Address entry's custom fields. To rename a field, replace one of the Custom entries with your own name.

4.2.5 Phone Abbreviations
The Phone Abbreviations screen is used to set the one letter abbreviations which appear next to an Address entry's phone numbers. Tap on the space next to the type of number for which you wish to change the abbreviation, and write in the new abbreviation.

4.2.6 Override Address Button
If this option is selected, instead of the standard Address Book, Super Names is opened when you push the Address button.

4.2.7 Activate/Deactivate SN Find
This option installs or removes the SN Find feature described in Section 3.2.8. When removing or upgrading Super Names, make certain to remove SN Find before deleting the old version. See Chapter 2 for more information on upgrading or removing Super Names. Super Names find allows other applications that my jump to a particular card in your Names file to instead jump right into Super Names.

4.2.8 Enter Registration Code
This screen is where you enter your registration code to register Super Names

5 Address Card Enhancements
Super Names includes a significant number of enhancements for individual Address cards, as well as the List view. As with the normal Address book, you access a card by tapping on the entry in the List view.

5.1 New Fields
Perhaps the most visible change that Super Names gives to your Address Cards is the addition of several new fields for your information. These include five new phone fields, two new Address fields, and two URL fields. Super Names also includes two new Date fields which can be used for birthdays, deadlines, anniversaries, or other important dates.

5.2 Linking
The greatest enhancement to the Address Card is the ability to link cards together. At the top of the Address card is the Link icon, with the number of current links after it. It also If you tap on the link icon, a menu will appear. This menu includes a list of all current Links, with icons distinguishing the four different types of links. Tap on one of the Links to go to that Link.

Also, there is the option to Link the card to either a Name, an Appointment from the Appointment book, or a To Do from the To Do list. If there are already links for an Address, the menu will say "Edit Name Links" instead of "Link to a Name. This also applies to Date and To Do links. Additionally, if you have Call Tracker installed, you can view all calls associated with the address by selecting View Calls Log.

5.2.1 Linking Names
If you tap on the Link icon and choose Link Names, then the Link to Name Screen will appear. Select any names to which you want to Link to the original card, and tap Confirm. The selected names will then be linked to the card. If you decide not to link any names to the card, tap Exit. To unlink a name, select Edit Name Links and uncheck the name you want to link. Think of the Link to Name screen as a list of all the names to which the current Address card is linked. Checking a name adds it to the list of links, and unchecking it removes it from the list.

5.2.2 Linking Appointments
If you tap on the Link icon and choose Link to Appointments, the a screen appears with your entries from the Appointment book. You then can select any Appointment which you wish to link to the card. By selecting the From Date option at the top of the screen, you can link the card to all Appointments after a certain date. You can select the date by using the button at the bottom of the screen. Finally, when you are satisfied with the Appointments that are being linked, tap the Confirm button to link them. Tap Cancel if you decide not to link any Appointments to the card. Again, to unlink an appointment, just uncheck it.

5.2.3 Linking To Do Tasks
If you tap on the Link icon and choose Link to To Do Tasks, the a screen appears with your entries from the To Do List. You then can select any To Do which you wish to link to the card. By selecting the From Date option at the top of the screen, you can link the card to all To Do Tasks after a certain date. You can select the date by using the button at the bottom of the screen. Finally, when you are satisfied with the To Do Tasks that are being linked, tap the Confirm button to link them. Tap Cancel if you decide not to link any To Do Tasks to the card. To unlink a To Do Task, simply uncheck it.

5.2.4 Linking to Memo Links
Tapping on the Link icon and choosing Link to Memo brings up a list of all memos on your Palm device. Check the box next to a memo to link it to the Address. To unlink a memo, uncheck its box.

5.2.5 Unlinking
When ever you use Super Name's linking function, follow the below procedure to unlink an item. To unlink a name, select Edit Name Links (or Appointment, To Do, or Memo) and uncheck the item you want to unlink. Think of the Link to screen as a list of items to which the current Address card is linked. Checking an item adds it to the list of links, and unchecking it removes it from the list.

5.2.6 Accessing Your Links
In addition to the menu of Links found by tapping the paperclip at the top of the Address Card, you can also set your Links to be shown on the card itself. To show your links, select the Settings menu described in Section 5.4.2. This can be accessed by tapping the Menu silk-screen button in either the List screen or the Address screen.

5.2.7 Links and the Built In Address Book
If you view an Address with a Link in with the built in Address Book rather than Super Names, you will not be able to access the link. Instead, you will see an entry of characters and text with the warning "Do Not Change (SN)." This entry contains Link information, and if you change or erase the text the Link will not work.

5.3 Record Menu
The Record Menu, accessed by tapping the Menu silk-screen button, has a number of new features.

5.3.1 New Address
Select this to create a new Address Card.

5.3.2 Edit Address
Tap this to go to the Edit Address screen.

5.3.3 Delete Address
Select this to delete the current Address.

5.3.4 Duplicate Address
Select this to create a duplicate of the current Address.

5.3.5 Duplicate Address w/o Name
Select this to create a duplicate of the current Address with out the name included. This is useful for creating Address cards for multiple people in the same company.

5.3.6 Attach Note
Select this to attach a Note to the Address. You can also check the checkbox next to the Notes icon at the bottom of the screen to attach a Note to the Address.

5.3.7 Delete Note
Select this to delete a Note attached to the Address.

5.3.8 Toggle Link Display
This option shows or hides Link information on an Address card.

5.3.9 Select Business Card
Selecting this option. This sets the current card as your business card. Tapping and holding the Address Book button will automatically beam this card, as will the menu option below.
When this is selected, the business card icon appears at the top of the Address card.

5.3.10 Beam Address
Select this option to beam the current Address to another Palm device. This feature only functions with Palm OS 3.0 or higher.

5.3.11 Beam Business Card
When this is selected, you beam your business card to another Palm device. This feature only functions if you have Palm OS 3.0 or higher.

5.4 Option Menu
The Options menu access through the Address screen is similar to the one described in Section 4.2. Differences are described below.

5.4.1 Preferences
This option is identical to the one described in Section 4.2.1.

5.4.2 View Preferences
View Preferences lets you set options for the View and Edit screens.

Return to List after Editing
If this box is checked, Super Names will display the List screen after editing an Address.

Display Links on Cards
If this preference is checked, Link information will be displayed on Address Cards.

Hard Buttons Move By Card
Pushing the up or down arrow button will cycle through the Addresses one at a time if this option is checked.

Auto Capitalize State Names
Checking this box will have the Palm automatically capitalize state names.

5.4.3 Font
This option lets you set the font for the Address card. This can only be used on devices using Palm OS 3.0 and later.

5.4.4 Rename Custom Fields
This screen is used to give your own names to your custom fields. To rename a field, replace one of the Custom entries with a new name.

5.5 Address Edit Screen
This screen is used when you wish to edit your Address card. To access this screen, tap on any of the data found on the card in the Address card screen. This screen is similar to the standard Address Edit screen, but includes several enhancements.

5.5.1 Links
You can access the links to the Address card in this screen. This process is described in Section 5.2.

5.5.2 Section Tabs
These Folder tabs appear similar to the ones on the List screen, but have a different purpose. Because there are so many fields in the Address Edit screen, the Folder tabs let you jump to different points in the list of fields.

5.5.3 Private
Checking the Private box makes the Address private.

5.5.4 Setting the Date
Setting the date in the Address Edit screen is slightly different than most fields. To set the date, choose Select Date from the pop up menu. Then, choose the date from the calendar which appears. To remove the date, choose Remove Date from the menu. The first three menu items set the label of the Date field. If you want to add text to the date, tap on its entry line. The date will disappear while you are entering the text, but will reappear when you are done.

5.5.5 Notes
To add a Note to the Address, tap this box. It is identical to the one found in the standard Edit Address Screen.

5.5.5 Auto-complete Feature
Super Names includes a time saving feature which will automatically complete some words for you. This feature works with the Company, State, City, Last Name, and Title fields, once you have entered one or more Address entries. Once you enter the first letter of an entry into the field, Super Names will attempt to finish the word based on previous entries. If the auto-complete supplies the correct word, than you are done. If it does not, continue to enter your word into the field.