But Snoozer does much more than just snooze! It adds different alarm sounds, nagging alarms - as well as options to flash the backlight (if you've got one!) or a Tale Light (if you've got one!). Snoozer even lets you turn its snooze feature off - letting you enhance your PalmPilot's alarms with the extra Snooze Box.
You need both SnoozeHack and Snoozer installed on your PalmPilot to get full snoozability. No harm will come if you delete one or other - you just won't get the snooze you need!
SnoozeHack is a HackMaster extension which catches alarms and gives them to Snoozer. Snoozer lets the application display its alarm dialog - when you acknowledge the alarm, up pops Snoozer to see if you'd like to snooze the alarm.
If you have a previous version of Snoozer installed, delete it with the PalmPilot's Memory application. It is important that you uncheck any previous versions of SnoozeHack from Hackmater's control panel.
Unzip the snoozer.zip file using WinZip or similar. You'll see two.prc files and a copy of this file (snoozer.html).
Use the desktop 'Palm Install Tool' to install hackmstr.prc (if you don't already run HackMaster), snoozeh.prc and snoozer.prc.
When the install is complete, run HackMaster on your PalmPilot and check the checkbox by SnoozeHack in the listing. Now return to Applications and choose Snoozer - you can set up the defaults here.
If AlarmHack is installed on your PalmPilot you'll need to disable it while using Snoozer and SnoozeHack. Go to AlarmHack and choose 'uninstall' from the menu. If you don't uninstall AlarmHack, Snoozer can't do its job - both are grabbing the same event from the PalmPilot.
You are now ready to use Snoozer to add snooze to the PalmPilot's alarms - just set alarms in the normal way. When you acknowledge an alarm Snoozer will pop up and ask you if you want the alarm to be snoozed. You can choose the length of the snooze!
If you don't pay for Snoozer after using it for a while, it will start to remind you that you should pay for it!
You should also note that HackMaster is shareware - you should register it too if you register Snoozer. HackMaster will allow you to add many great enhancements to your PalmPilot, and is well worth investigating.
You may find these useful to enhance your snoozability...
- A very quick way to set reminders, a kind of yellow sticky pad with alarms.
The Tale
Light is cool - get one if you can - you can really see your
alarms with this!
HackMaster is
shareware - Please support its author by registering
has changed the face of PalmPilot development and usefulness!
Snoozer is a Haus Of Maus production - see www.hausofmaus.com for more groovy software!