OnlyMe Feedback Form

I use OnlyMe
I do not use OnlyMe

Most Preferred Feature:
Thorough security.
Speedy password input.
Flexible password input (any of buttons/Graffiti/on-screen buttons).
Automatic power-off activation.
Auto-hide records.
Picture display.
Owner information display.
Please describe other most preferred feature(s)

Least Preferred Attribute:
The price is too high.
The price is too low.
PRC file is too large.
Conflicts with other program(s).
Please describe other least preferred attribute(s)

Note: To find memory information on your Pilot III™:
   Applications | Menu | Info

Note: To find memory information on your PalmPilot™:

   Applications | Mememory | Size

Free Memory:
Memory used:
Total Memory:

General Comments and Suggestions:

Your Name:
Your E-mail Address:

Tranzoa, Co.
P.O. Box 911
Maple Valley, WA 98038 U.S.A
(425) 432-3532

FEEDBACK.HTM : Last modified Aug 28 2000