Copyright ©1999 PalmAdd Software

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multiAccounts is distributed as shareware. You may use it with all features for a 30 days trial period. If you find the program useful and continue to use it, you are required to register. The registered version does not display the reminder screens. The registration fee is only $12.95

Please register at PilotGear H.Q.


Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. System Requirements and Installation

3. Usage

The Main Screen
Creating a New Account
Displaying and Editing an existing Account
Account Details
Changing the Field Names
Adding a Note to an Account
Generating a Password
Password Protection & Data Encryption
Database Backup

4. Registration

5. Contact

6. Disclaimer


3. Introduction

Thank you for trying multiAccounts.

multiAccounts is a database to store your accounts and passwords on you PalmPilot™. If you are forgetful and always use the same password for all of your accounts, use multiAccounts to increase security. Keep you accounts safe and choose different, difficult to crack passwords and just remember your multiAccounts password for access to all of your accounts.

Features include

  • clear design and easy to use
  • predefined account templates for logins, bank accounts, credit cards and more
  • user editable field labels - name them like you want
  • attachable note for each account
  • accounts are sortable by name or type
  • integrated password generator
  • data encryption and build-in password protection
  • supports categories to organize your accounts and "private" records for more security
  • runs on any Palm Computing® organizer (including Pilot 1000/5000, Palm IIIx™ and Palm V™)


2. Requirements & Installation


To install multiAccounts you need a US Robotics / 3Com Pilot 1000/5000, PalmPilot™ Personal/Professional, Palm III™/IIIx/V/VII or any IBM WorkPad.

The application does not requires a specific Palm OS™ and takes about 21 kb of memory. Additional memory is needed to store the accounts. Each account requires about 300 bytes without an attached note:

number of
memory required
10  3 k 
100  30 k 
1000  300 k 

To install the application, first use a standard unzip utility to extract all the files and run either the Windows or Macintosh version of the PalmPilot™ Install Tool. Select the "prc" file provided with this release and the next time you HotSync, the application will be loaded into your PalmPilot™. You may also install the included example database "example.pdb" with some accounts.

For additional information on how to install applications, please consult your PalmPilot™ Handbook or have a look at PalmPilotGear.


3. Usage

The Main Screen
Once multiAccounts has been installed, tap on its icon to launch it. If you have an unregistered copy an information screen is displayed every time you start the application.

If you have installed the example database (example.pdb) the screen will look like figure 1. If not, see the next chapter on how to create some new accounts.

Each line in the list represents one account and displays its description. The icons in front of the account name represent the different types of accounts, i.e. logins, bank accounts, application serials.

Figure 1

Creating a new Account

To create a new account first tap the "New" button or select "New Account" from the main menu. Next you're asked what kind of account you like to create. The selection will set up the initial field names (you can change them later) and the icon displayed in the main window. Select one of the available types and press "Ok". If none of the predefined account types is suitable for the new account, select "Other".

Let's assume you have chosen to create a login account. The predefined field names for this type are:

"Description" The description of the account displayed on the main screen.
"Login" The login name.
"Password" The password.
"Access" How to access this account - useful for web accounts to enter the URL.
"Other" Any other information needed for this account.

If you choose to created any other type of account the fields may have other names which can be changed (see "Changing Field Names"). Enter the information for this account or leave fields blank if you not need them. Press "Done" when you are ready and you've created an account.

Figure 2A

Figure 2B


Displaying and Editing an existing Account

The details of an account can be displayed by tapping on it in the main screen. Another screen will appear with information like the password and other you have previously entered (Figure 3a). Press "Done" to return to the main screen, "Edit" to change the data of this account or "New" to create a new account. If the current account has a note attached, a Button "Note" will appear.

To change the data of the current account, press the "Edit" button. You will see a new screen (Figure 3b)containing the previously entered data. Click on any of the field to change its text.

To change the category of the account or the private flag, click the details button. See the next chapter for more information on this.

To delete the current account, press the "Delete" button.

To display the attached note of the account, press the "Note" button. If there is no note attached, a new one will be created.

     screen14.gif (2063 Byte)
Figure 3a

Figure 3b


Account Details & Categories

Select the category for the current account an check "Private" (Figure 4A) to hide the account if "Hide Private Records" is selected in the Palm OS™ security application.

Select "Edit Categories..." to add additional categories or to rename or delete existing ones (Figure 4B). The standard Palm OS™ dialog known from the build-in applications will appear to edit the categories (Figure 4C).


Figure 4A

Figure 4B

Figure 4C


Changing the Field Names

Any account can have different field names even if they are in the same category. Standard names for the fields will be given to a new account depending on the category you have chosen. These standard field names can be renamed at any time.

To change a field label, tap on the existing name of the field in the "Edit" screen (Figure 5).

Enter up to 15 characters but be sure that all of them are visible on the screen because different characters are of different width.

Enter the new name of the field and press "Ok" to close the window.


Figure 5


Adding a Note to an Account

Each account can have one note attached for additional information (Figure 6). The size of a note is limited to 1k (1024 characters). At the bottom of the screen choose whether to display lines or not and select normal or bold font. If you've entered the text, press ok to return.

If an account has a note attached you will see a symbol in the list of accounts. You may tap this symbol to display the note directly.

To delete a note, clear all the text and press ok or select "Delete Note" from the "Option" menu in the edit account dialog.


Figure 6


Generating a Password

To generate a password and insert it into the password field, follow these steps:
 1.  Select "Gen. Password" from the options menu to display the Generate Password dialog.
2. Change the preferences for the generator and the length of the desired password. Press "Generate & Copy" until a password was generated you like to use (Figure 7A).
3. Press "Done" to close the dialog. The generated password is stored in the clipboard.
4. Be sure the cursor is in the password field. If not tap the field.
5. Select "Paste" from the edit menu (Figure 7B). The generated password will be insert into the field.

Figure 7A

Figure 7B



  • Sort by:
    Select whether the items are sorted by name or by type.
  • Font:
    Select the font (normal or bold) for the list of accounts.
  • Display Icons:
    Uncheck this if you don't like the icons displayed in the list of accounts. The icons represent the type of an account.
  • Password:
    Enter a password to lock the application. See the next chapter for details.
  • Timeout:
    Select the time from 1 to 3 minutes after the application will close itself if no user input was made. This option is useful in conjunction with an assigned password to prevent access to your accounts. Select "<off>" if you do not want this feature.

Figure 8


Password Protection & Data Encryption

If you have entered a password in the Preferences Dialog a security dialog will appear the next time you start the application (figure 9). You have to enter the right password.

If you press the power off key while using multiAccounts, the application locks itself and it is necessary to reenter the password. If you have select a value for the timeout in the Preferences Dialog it is necessary to restart the application and reenter the password after the specified amount of time.

The encryption method used to encode the database is actually not very strong and can be cracked by specialists. However it is secure enough for most purposes.


Figure 9


Database Backup

The database with the accounts will be automatically backed up to your PC during a HotSync. In case of a crash it will be restored automatically.

The name of the database file is multiAccDB.PDB and can be found in the HotSync Directory BACKUP.





4. Registration

PalmAdd applications for the PalmPilot™ are distributed as shareware. You can use the applications with all features for a trial period of 30 days. The applications do not expire but when you continue using them and you're 100% satisfied you have to register. The registered versions have no shareware reminder screens and all new releases will be free for registered users.

To register the application, contact PilotGear H.Q. The registration fee for multiAccounts is only

 US$ 12.95 

PilotGear H.Q. accepts registrations by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. You can register online using their secure web page,  by e-mail, postal mail, telephone and fax:

PalmPilot Gear H.Q.
2500 East Randoll Mill
Road, Suite 117
Arlington, TX 76011
  Web orders:  PalmAdd at PilotGear H.Q. 
Phone orders:  817.640.6558 
Fax orders:  817.640.6614 
Email orders: 

After receiving the unlock key from PilotGear H.Q.:

  • Start the application on you PalmPilot™ by tapping its icon.
  • Tap the 'Register' button on the about screen or choose 'Registration' from the 'Options' menu.
  • Make sure that the Text entry line is active, which is indicated by a flashing cursor. If it is not, click on the text entry line first.
  • Enter the key.
  • Press the 'Ok' button. If the unlock key is accepted you will get a message from the program. If not, make sure you have entered the unlock key properly.


5. Contact

If you have comments, suggestions or problems the best way to contact us is through email at Please include the following information when contacting technical support:
  • your name and email address
  • the program that has the bug and the version number of the program
  • the PalmPilot™ model that you are using and the Palm OS version number
  • a brief description of the problem
  • an explanation of how we can replicate the error


6. Disclaimer



3Com is a registered trademark of the 3Com Corporation. HotSync, Palm, PalmPilot, Palm OS, Palm Computing and the PalmPilot Compatible Logo are trademarks of 3Com Corporation. All other brands and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Copyright © 1999 PalmAdd Software. All Rights Reserved.