LauncherLight v.1.0

MegaSoft Ltd 1999-2000

Palm Software Division.

Platform: Palm OS
Support: OS 3.0, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5 (b/w, gray - 4, gray - 16, color - 256).

Note! LauncherLight does not support TRG Pro.


The LauncherLight application is a shell for PalmOS. The original method of control allows you to realize very easily any of the following functions: delete, beam, category change for an application, categories editing, applications and categories sorting, device and application system information output - just by light touching.

 Change of icon size. You can change the size of the icons (large / small) by a single pressing.


Scrolling of applications and categories is made with the help of stylus. The applications scrolling takes the left part, the scrolling for categories is made in the right part. Both parts have a discrete range for adjusting the scrolling speed.

Applications scrolling Categories scrolling


The technical information output is provided by pressing the lower part of Shuttle. In order to revert to the main menu you should touch any part of the screen.



The main operations with applications (delete / beam / category change for an application /  application system information) are performed by moving 1/2" from the center of the selected icon in the required direction: up - for beam, down - for delete, left - for application information, right - for application category change.   


Appl. beam.


Appl info.

Change categories.


Appl delete.



Edit categories.

For categories editing (adding a new category, delete, rename, sorting) you should touch the categories area with the stylus and then move the stylus to the left beyond the categories area. The menu which appears afterwards allows you to perform all operations that are necessary for categories editing. For this  you should select the category and press the required button. After all editing operations are completed, push the "OK" button. 


LauncherLight  settings.

All settings in the LauncherLight program can be changed by  pressing the (Menu icon)

"Use default" - Set "Use default" to position "Yes" if you want your LauncherLight to be the launcher by default on your device.

"Color" - With the help of "Color" you can select the number of colors (2, 4, 16, 256) which is acceptable for your device and convenient for you.

"Column select" - With the help of "Column select" you can select the preferable number of columns from 1 to 3 (this function is available only for the mode using large icons).

After all changes  completed  press the "Accept" button.

Free usage of the LauncherLight  program is limited by time (14 days).
If you want to buy it address to:

We will appreciate all your remarks and comments which can be addressed to:

This program is written by : Maxim Shumilov & Arthur Asloyan.

All rights reserved.

Megasoft Ltd 1999-2000 (c).