HandScapeTM Pro 1.5.0 - ReadMe
by MobiMate

Table of contents
  • Files Descripition
  • Installing/Upgrading
  • Uninstalling
  • Troubleshooting
  • Registration
  • Manual
  • Minimum requirements
  • PalmVII Compatability
  • Version History
  • Contact Information
  • Legal Stuff

  • Files Descripition

    We highly recommend you install all .prc files.

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    Before you install:
    Those who are using a Launcher other than the origianl as their defualt Launcher, please restore the original Launcher!

    Installing HandScape Pro for the first time:

    1. If you downloaded the HandScapePro.zip or HandScapePro.sit file, extract those files.
    2. Open the PalmPilot Desktop program group, and select the "PalmPilot Install Tool". The PalmPilot Install Tool dialog box appears.
    3. In the User Name drop-down menu, choose the User Name that corresponds to your PalmPilot.
    4. Click the Add/Browse button to locate the 'HandScape.prc' file.
    5. Click on the Install button, and click Exit on the dialog that appears.
    6. Set your pilot in the cradle and perform a local Hotsync.

    Upgrading from a "previous" HandScape version:
    Note: If you're using a startup application (from HandScape Pro's preferences), deselect it prior to installation!
    Install the new HandScape Pro version into your PalmPilot.

    Note: There is NO need to delete the previous version, it will be replaced automatically, and all data will remain untouched.

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    The best way to delete HandScape Pro is by using the "Uninstall HandScape" program. If you haven't already, install this program and launch it (you can do it from within HandScape). If you're not using the uninstaller, follow these steps:

    1. Launch HandScape Pro.
    2. If you're using a startup application, set in the preferences of HandScape Pro under the "Sys" category the "Startup application" to none.
    3. If you set HandScape Pro as your default launcher, uncheck in the preferences of HandScape the "Launcher button will open HandScape Pro".
    4. From the original applications launcher delete HandScape Pro as you delete any other application.

    We highly recommend using the uninstaller!

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    I set HandScape Pro as my default launcher and now I have problems when I try to open it using the "Applications" button. How do I open the original application launcher instead?
    Soft Reset your Palm Connected Organizer and it will open in the preferences. Select from the popup at the top right the “Buttons” and set one of the buttons to launch “Applications”. This will allow you to launch the default application’s launcher.

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    You can purchase HandScape Pro code by clicking here!

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    Click here for an online manual or click here for the manual in Microsoft Word format.

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    Minimum requirements
    HandScape Pro requires 200K of available RAM.
    HandScape works on Palm III and above (Palm IIIe, M100, Palm V etc..)

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    PalmVII Compatibility
    This version works with all PalmVII features yet does not draw properly the PQA's icons. Please check our site for a fully compatible version (coming soon!)

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    Version History

      Date Version Description
    October 3, 2000 1.5.0 Live Desktop:
       Added scrolling tabs feature.
       Drag-and-Drop tabs to change their order.
       Support for left-handed people.
       More control over View positions
    File Manager:
       Sub-Folders automatically open when you drag an icon over them.
       Improved stability.
    24 July 2000 1.1 Added the ability to set the "All" folder as first OR last.
    Added Support for Version column in the file manager
    Fixed the 'Startup Application' feature
    Fixed numerous crashes
    Imporved Views
    7 July 2000 1.0.1 Fixed bug when installed over HandScape.
    27 June 2000 1.0 Here We Go...

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    Contact Information
    Have any comments about the program? Want to share your ideas with us?
    Email us at: HandScape@MobiMate.com
    Visit our home page: http://www.MobiMate.com

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    Legal Stuff
    After reading this agreement carefully, if you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, you may not use HandScape Pro. HandScape Pro is owned by MobiMate and is protected by national copyright laws and international copyright treaties. HandScape Pro is shareware for non-commercial use. You may use HandScape Pro without registering it for evaluation purposes only. If you use the software on a regular basis you must register it, for instance at http://www.MobiMate.com/purchasing/order.html
    By registering the software you are not obtaining title to the software or any copyrights. You may not sell, sublicense, modify, translate, convert to another programming language, decompile, disassemble or attempt to reverse-engineer the software for any purpose. Permission must be obtained before mirroring or redistributing HandScape Pro on any media, such as magazine cover CDs, shareware sites or other resources. Permission must be obtained for ANY commercial use, such as including HandScape Pro in software packages or any other package.
    There are special conditions, which can be acquired upon e-mail to HandScape@MobiMate.com.
    HandScape Pro is guaranteed to work pretty much as described in it's online documentation, with no seriously impairing bugs. No other warranties or remedies are applicable.

    Long form (Legalese):
    SOFTWARE PRODUCT LICENSE. Copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties protect this software. It is licensed for use, not sold. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or modify the software.
    NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use this product. Our entire liability under any provision of this agreement shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for the software.

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