CryptoPad for PalmOS 2 and 3
Protecting your data for free

CryptoPad is an encryption/decryption enabled MemoPad replacement. It lets you assign a different password for each memo and encrypt them.

CryptoPad uses cryptographic software written by Eric Young (eay@mincom.oz.au). This is a slight port to the PalmPilot of his Blowfish algorithm, as found at http://www.counterpane.com. I'm only using the cfb64-processing mode, which allows for encryption of arbitrary-length data with a password of up to 448 bits!

MemoPad records are availbale in CryptoPad) and his own database for the crypted memos. So the crypted memos don't appear in MemoPad nor in the Palm Desktop but are backup crypted on PC in a .pdb file (in the backup directory).

    The synchronisation of non crypted memos with the native MemoPad application allow users to take advantage of all the features given by MemoPad:
  • automatic synchronisation with the PC and ability of seeing the records with Palm Desktop software or others.
  • backup on PC of the archived deleted records. Moreover, the categories are also synchronised with both applications automatically.

CryptoPad replicates the built-in application as closely as possible. Version 2.2 runs under PalmOS 2.0 and above whereas vesion 3.6 runs under Palm0S 3.2 and above. Install the correct version according to your system.
Notice : since CryptoPad v. 3.50, it uses a function which is only supported since PalmOS 3.2. If your system runs under PalmOS 3.1 and the first line of a memo is longer than the screen width, you won't have a "..." at the end of the main list but a square. I thought that it should not be a big issue as Palm owner can upgrade freely to PalmOS 3.3 (which is highly recommended) but it seems that Visor does not have a flashable memory and can't upgrade. That is why I have a version for users of this kind that you can get upon request at cryptopad@jlabelle.freesurf.fr.

CryptoPad in its two incarnations features:

  • Supports find operation
  • Uses the built-in MemoPad database to store memos that are not encrypted
  • Uses its own database to store encrypted memos for protection
  • Leverage your MemoPad experience :-)

CryptoPad 3.x features:

  • Supports beam operation
  • Adds the OS3.5 features : command bar and security function

CryptoPad has grown and been maintained through popular feedback and comments. Here are the answers:

  1. Global Password:

    Many users wanted the ability to define a global password available for encryption and decryption of memos in a given session. This is now part of CryptoPad since versions v.2.1 & v.3.1.
    Either user uses one password for each memo, either he sets a global password (in the Preferences) and it will be used for every new crypted memo. If you enter a memo crypted with a different password, the global password will be request but will not correspond so CryptoPad will ask you to enter the password you chosed to encrypt this particular memo. Once you will be entered in it, exiting this memo will re-encrypt it with the global password.
    The main advantage is that all your memos will use the same password and you have to enter this global password just once in a session (the first time you try to encrypt/decrypt a memo/category, this password is asked but if you want to do that a second time, you won't have to enter it again).
    For security reason, this session is not valid anymore if you exit CryptoPad or power it off (in such cases, the global password will be asked again to access the encryption/decryption features) so if you go to toilets, your Palm is still running CryptoPad and you entered your global password, the Palm will automatically power-off (after 30s-1mn-2mn according to your Preferences). If then a bad guy opens your Palm, CryptoPad will still be running but he will have to re-enter the global password to access the crypted memo and even if user was reading a crypted memo, CryptoPad automatically exits it to return in the main list while power off.

    If you forget your global password, you have an option to delete it in the Preferences. Notice that a forgotten password will have you remove all memos encrypted with it before being able to set another one.

  2. Hide/Show lines:

    It is now possible to hide or show lines in the edit view at will.

  3. Find support:

    CryptoPad supports the find operation.

    If you set a global password and your already enter it (if you tried to encrypt/decrypt a memo/category), the search will also occur in the encrypted memos.

  4. Beam support:

    Beaming of single memos or entire category is supported. For security reasons, encrypted memos are not eligible for beaming. Note that beaming a category will skip the encrypted records and leave them untouched.

  5. Multiple Fonts:

    It is possible to outline particularly important category with a different font. Besides, each memo can have its own font for edition.
    First of all, you must uncheck the "Use Single Font" in the Preferences. Now, you just have to choose a category and select a font. This font will only be applied for this category. So, in the "All" category, the memos will appear with different font according from which category they belong to.
    In the edit form, you can also choose the font and it will be applied for just this memo. That is you can have several different font for each memo in the edit form but the whole memo will be in the same font. One font/category in the main list and one font/memo in the edit form.
    Notice : using this function can slower a little the screen update in the category "All" (while scrolling or using drag-and-drop). This is caused by the fact that using separate fonts can make CryptoPad display in the category "All" records with the standard font, some with the bold one and others with the large bold one alltogether. That is the number of records displayed can be between 8 and 11 and the application must constantly calculate if there is enought room to display a new record according to the font setting while draging a memo or scrolling. However, this is only true in "All". If you don't like this feature, just check the option "Use Single Font" in the Preferences.

  6. Move record on top:

    You have the choice to automatically make the last consulted record moved on top. Thus, the more consulted memos are always at the top of the list.
    This option move the record on top of the current database. That is a crypted memo is moved on top of the CryptoPad database but stays under every no-crypted memos.

  7. Rotate between:

    Using the hard key, you can cycle through the categories. Now, you can choose either to go also in the "Unfiled" either to avoid the category "All".

  8. Palm OS 3.5 features (only for PalmOS 3.5 users) :

    Command bar : the command stroke makes the command bar appear as in the built-in MemoPad with the addiditions of the Font (because of the new font feature) and Phone Lookup shortcuts.

    Security : the security function is also present now.

Thanks to Wolfgang Scheele, Diethelm Guallar, Gonzalo and Selcuk Demiray, a german, spanish and Turkish translations of CryptoPad were quickly available. They were kind enough to provide translation and suggestions since version beginning. They can be reached at wolfgang_scheele@compuserve.com, Gonzalo.Diethelm@sonda.com and sdemiray@bigfoot.com.

A strange behavior has been detected by Geoff Whale when using Left Hack with CryptoPad. Thanks to the useful advice from Neil Bridges himself, CryptoPad is now compatible with Left Hack. Geoff and Neil can be contacted at gwhale@nortelnetworks.com and nbridges@interlog.com.


Due to heavy testing and development work between version 0.99b and 1.0, we had to change the format of the internal database where memos are stored. As a result, this application is not compatible with these previous versions. So if you still use one of those, Please, delete the old application and data before upgrading.

CryptoPad2 and CryptoPad3 can be freely downloaded in english, german, spanish, french and turkish as well as the code source.

CryptoPad Desktop Release v0.95
The CryptoPad companion

CryptoPad Desktop is the perfect companion for CryptoPad. It is a windows application that runs under Windows 95/98/NT and allows to view and edit memos created with CryptoPad.

CryptoPad Desktop features:

  • Add/Remove/Edit memos in the CryptoPad format
  • Take advantage of a global password for user-friendly usage
  • Multiple memos open at the same time (for cut/copy/paste operations)
  • Remembers the size and position of windows
  • Reads the database stored by Palm Dekstop users

CryptoPad Desktop can be downloaded here. Note that CryptoPad Desktop needs the Visual BasicĀ® 6.0 Runtime Libraries available separately for downloading optimisations, but you're likely to have them already.

Please, un-install any previous installation of CryptoPad Desktop Release, before upgrading.

CryptoPad Desktop SDK
A set of tools and source code for developers

While writing CryptoPad Desktop, I have developed a set of tools and written a couple of Visual BasicĀ® source code files to assist me. These resources can be used on their own, or can be used to supplement CryptoPad Desktop.

  • CryptoPad Dekstop Blowfish Encryption Library

    This comes as a standard Win32 DLL both in Debug and Release build for Win32. The archive contains the necessary files to encrypt/decrypt data using the cfb64 mode of the Blowfish algorithm, with a fixed initialization vector as compatible with CryptoPad.

    It contains also a couple of Visual Basic source code files to wrap the features of the DLL to the Visual Basic family of languages. It may be used under Microsoft Office applications, or in a standalone VB project.

    Download the CryptoPad Desktop Blowfish Encryption Library and start protecting your own data. Please, note that this version is intended to be used only with CryptoPad related software, and is a trimmed down version of the original Blowfish library from Eric A. Young.

  • PalmDB Automation Server 1.3

    The PalmOS Database Automation Server (PalmDB) is a COM component that allows full management of PalmOS Data databases when stored on a desktop. These come as .pdb files which encompass a binary representation of the database. The server uses the description of the PDB format as outlined by the document The Palm Database format as found on the Roadcoders articles section. The primary use of this server is from scripting languages such as Visual Basic and Visual Basic for Applications. It may of course be used from any COM client written in any other languages.

    Download the PalmDB Automation Server and start writing your own add-ins to CryptoPad Desktop. Source code is available upon request.

  • CryptoPad Desktop Release v0.95 Source Code

    This is CryptoPad Desktop full source code! Now, if CryptoPad Desktop doesn't quite do what you like, you have no excuses for complaining any more. Roll up your sleeves and start expanding on it...

    CryptoPad Desktop comes with a Visual Basic 6.0 project file and is ready to run or compile. It comes with PalmDB.dll, Registry.dll and MRU.dll that are COM components used to access PalmOS databases, the Windows Registry and the most recently used file list but the source code for these tools is not included in the archive.

    Download CryptoPad Dekstop Release v0.95 Source Code to get all this!