Attach to Hand may be purchased directly from the distributor listed below or you may mail in this form.
PalmGear H.Q. 2500 East Randoll Mill Road, Suite 117 Arlington, TX 76017 Sales: 800.741.9070 Phone: 817.461.3480 | Fax: 817.461.3482 Email: webmaster@palmgear.com Web site: http://www.palmgear.com Copyright(c) 1997-2000 All Rights Reserved.Click on the image below to purchase
TLA Software 14 Richwood Drive Greenville, SC 29607-3002 Email: tlasoft@attglobal.netFROM:
Name: _____________________________________
Company: __________________________________
Address: __________________________________
City: _____________________________________
State, ZIP Code: __________________________
Country: __________________________________
Daytime Phone #: __________________________
Fax #: ____________________________________
Email address: ____________________________
Attach to Hand 3.5 for Microsoft Outlook (Win95/98/NT4)
# computers ___ X $19.95 each = _______
South Carolina residents add applicable 5% sales tax = _______
Email address to which Attach to Hand should be sent: _____________________ (approximate file size is 5 MB) -OR- Add shipping & handling: Postal US & Canada $5.00 Outside US & Canada $11.25 = _______TOTAL ENCLOSED U.S. FUNDS US$ ________
Prices and terms are subject to change without notice.
Registration Note for Users of Attach to Hand Versions 2.3 and Higher
After you have installed and used Attach to Hand, please pay the registration fee at http://www2.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/tlasoftware.html or via postal mail using this form. If you use this form to pay, please send a message to TLA Software including your Attach to Hand registration number. Send the message to the TLA Software email or postal address listed above. To locate your registration number, go to your Start menu. Select "Programs" then "Attach to Hand" then "Attach to Hand Options." From the Attach to Hand Options Help menu, select "Registration Code." Your registration number is listed on this screen. If you prefer you can just click the "Send" button on that screen to create a new email message in Outlook that automatically fills in your registration number, your Palm user name(s), and the email address for TLA Software. When you are done creating the new email message, click Send and the message will be saved to your Outbox and sent the next time you connect to your mail server.
WARNING: Do not type in a code until you have obtained the correct code from TLA Software! An incorrect code could disable Attach to Hand. When you send in your registration number, TLA Software will send you your code. When you have received your code from TLA Software, type in your code on the Attach to Hand Options "Registration code" screen. This code will convert your copy of Attach to Hand from the unregistered to the registered version.