Puz2Pil.exe This program is provided free as a service from Penguin Software. It's purpose is to allow importing Crossword puzzle data from various sources into the XWord program so they can travel with you on your Pilot. It does this by converting the various format files into .pdb files which can then be loaded onto the Pilot. Please note that this program is not supported by any of the companies listed below and it attempts to interpret the proprietary format of the file. This interpretation could be incomplete or incorrect, and any of the formats could change without notice. I will attempt to keep them up to date but be aware that any of these could fail without warning. Because of this, this program comes with no warantee or guarantee of of usefulness. It is provided free and unsupported and is not directly connected with the XWord program. It currently supports the following formats: Crossword Express Professional USA Today New York Times - Across Lite London Times http://www.puzzledepot.com/cwe/down1.shtml http://www.usatoday.com/life/puzzles/puzzle.htm http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/ http://www.nytimes.com/ To run the program from the DOS prompt simply run: for USA Today and NYTimes: puz2pil FILENAME.puz for Crossword Express: puz2pil FILENAME.cwe for London Times: puz2pil FILENAME.htm (Replace 'FILENAME' with the name of the puzzle file you are converting) This will create a file called FILENAME.pdb. You can then use the instapp program to install this file on your pilot, and the next time you run XWord, it will be shown in the list of available puzzles. For USA Today puzzles, the title of the puzzle will display, and for CWE puzzles, the FILENAME will show in the list. Version 1.4 5/2000 Fixed bug with parsing some USA Today puzzles. -- Puz2Pil.exe and this file are Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Penguin Software http://www.roadkill.com/penguin/ penguin@roadkill.com