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Welcome to the BEIKS game zone with many games for PalmOS



Another classic game for your Palm - Xonix. We hope we did a good job and you would enjoy it - hopefully at least as much as we did not so long ago.



The aim of the game is to cut parts of area and still alive. While you're cutting there are enemies hunting you. When you cut 70% or more you're moved to the next level. You are limited in time to complete this task. 
Start with a rectangle, and munch corners off until you get below the winning area: then proceed to the next level. The aria will be yours if there is no anemies inside it.

You can choose your own buttons to navigate the navigation keys . Just go to Menu / Options / Redefine keys. We will suggest the fallowing combination:

  • Go Left - Address book button
  • Go Right - To Do button
  • Go Up - Page Up button
  • Go Down - Page Down button

Or you can go to Menu / Options / Two Buttons and make only left and right turns.



The full version can be purchased for only $10 on our website, PilotGear H.Q. or Handango. We will need your Pilot User Name (sometimes referred as HotsyncID) in order to give you properly working copy of the game.


Revision history

Date Version    Description
30 June 2000


Initial version.


Contact Information

Come and visit our WebPages or mail us!

SnakeByte, PilotLines, NetWalk, Clickomania and BDicty for PalmOS are ⌐ 1998-2000 Beiks LLC.
Palm Pilot and Palm are registered trademarks of 3Com Corp.
All other trademarks in the document belong to their owner.