Double Sticks
See also: Sticks
If you are interested in trying something really new and challenging - try our new game. Double Sticks is a clone of the game Sticks. It has the same strategy, just you will need a partner to play it.
Double Sticks is a game for two. Each player must have a Palm (Visor) with the file DoubleSticks.prc installed.
Your aim is to clear the field as fast as you can. Tap the stick to clear it. You couldn't pick a stick if there's another one covering part of it, so you should start by topmost. And the same must do the other player.
Game starts with 10 sticks on the screens on each player. When one of the players clear a stick it will appear on the other player's screen. Sticks are send to another Palm immediately (in real time).
The game is over when one of the players manage to clear all the sticks from his/her screen.
1. Check the option "Beam Receive" on "ON".
2. Coordinate the two Palm Pilot's so, that they will be in position ready to beam.3. Both players start the game and tap on the first screen.
4. Waite 15 seconds for connection to be established. You will see this figure and will not be able to perform any other operations with your Palm until the counting to 15 is not over.5. After this both of the players will see sticks and can start clearing them by tapping on the the one that is on the very top and is not covered by other sticks.
6. If you can not establish connection after 15 seconds - please restart your Palm.This program is FREE
6/20/99 - v1.0: Initial version
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Sticks for PalmOS, Karateka for PalmOS, NetWalk for PalmOS, Pilot Lines and BDicty are (c) 1999 Beiks Ltd.
Palm Pilot and Palm are registered trademarks of 3Com Corp.
All other trademarks in the document belong to their registered owners.