Squirm 1.0 - (C) 1999 Jouni Mannonen (jouni@hybrid.fi) Squirm is a highly playable, strictly no nonsense reincarnation of the worm games of age. Featuring two different play modes, CLASSIC and MAZE, Squirm is an essential addition to your PalmPilot entertainment package. While light on the memory usage, Squirm can eat up a lot of your time. Be prepared to be hooked .. again. The objective of the game is to collect as many diamonds as you can, getting points for each based on the level and speed of play. Each time a diamond is collected, the worm will grow a bit; in maze mode 10 diamonds need to be collected to complete level and the worm will grow more rapidly. Key Controls: PgUp / PgDown - head up/down Phonebook / Todo - head left/right Datebook / Memopad - turn left / right You can freely choose between using the directional controls (PgUp/PgDown/Phonebook/Todo) or the left/right controls (Datebook/Memopady) - both will work just as well, and it's more a matter of preference. The PAW icon on screen can be tapped to pause the game, and the SPEAKER icon to control sound volume. Thanks to Aaron Ardiri for the pause and sound control icons! After game is over, Datebook and Memopad keys return back to main menu. Squirm is shareware and the free version is limited to 500 points and 3 levels of play, which ever comes first. Please register at www.palmgear.com to obtain registration code for the full version. Software is distributed AS IS, no warranties are expressed or implied. Feedback and bug reports welcome, and future updates may follow. Distribution of the software is permitted, as long as the unmodified software archive is transmitted as a whole. Keep shareware alive! Enjoy the game!