R_Mines v1.0 - 10/19/2000 (PalmOS) "R_Mines" is a version of the logic game "Mine Sweeper" for the Palm platform. The object of the game is to quickly flag all of the mines in the minefield with out setting any of them off. To flag a square, tap it. To remove a flag, drag the flag off the square. To probe a square tap it again. If there is a mine in that square it will blowup and you lose. If the square is mine free a number will appear showing how many of the squares neighbors are mines. In the default configuration the 4 corners of the field are clear (this can be changed on the options screen). Options: "Safe Corners": Guarantees that the 4 corners are mine free. "Flag All to Win": Checked means that you only need to flag the mines (and only the mines) to win. Unchecked it is necessary to flag all the mines and probe all other squares to win. Minefield Size: Sets the number of squares in the minefield. "Difficulty": Sets the density of mines in the minefield. R_Mines was written entirely on my Palm III and compiled using Quartus Forth by Neal Bridges. Go to http://www.quartus .net for more information. All forms and resources except the game bitmaps were created with RsrcEdit IndiVideo. Go to http://www.individeo .net for more information. Game bitmaps were done in Memopad so there is no one to blame be me. This program is distributed as "freeware" with no warranty. Copyright (c) 2000 Mark Beckman Info and updates can be found at http://www.jps.net/mbeckman/palm .