Mar 28, 2000 | - | Potelo 2.01 Release. |
Mar 26, 2000 | - | Potelo 2.0 Release. |
Dec 21, 1999 | - | Potelo 1.3 Release. |
Potelo is Othello game, sometimes it's called by 'Reversi'.
Potelo is available for Palm devices, Palm Computing Palm III, V, VII series and IBM WorkPad 30, c3 series. Also it works on Visor from Handspring and TRGPro. And Now, we have announced to support new color device, Palm Computing Palm IIIc.
Grayscale mode is supported on PalmOS 3.0 or later, and 256 Color mode is for PalmOS 3.5 or later.
Please install 'Potelo.prc' from any types of your conduit softwares. We recommend you to uninstall the previous version of Potelo before installing the newest one.
You may have to soft-reset during installation. We're not sure why. sigh :-(
Potelo is a Reversi game. You just fill out boxes to win a game. Well, Now you can start a new game by selecting 'New game' from Command menu.
You can also start a new game by writing "n" in graffiti area or typing Command + "N", which is a short cut key for starting
Shortcuts and Option menus.
- Menu -> Command
New Game Start a new game New Record Game Start a new recoded game Show Record Open a dialog box, and show your results of recorded games Save game Save a game
(You cannot save during a recording mode)Load Game Load a game you saved
- Menu -> Edit
Undo Undo. (Useless in Recording mode)
You can do Undo with Hardware DOWN Key.Redo Redo. (Useless in Recording mode)
You can do Redo with Hardware UP Key.Options Change game options Preference Change game settings Import color table Select color table.
- Option Form
Computer Level Change the computer level 1(easiest) to 5(strongest)
you can play only Level 1 with demo version.Black Change who is 'Black'. White Change who is 'White'.
- Preference Form
Drawing Speed Change how fast coins are drawn. Sound Click Change the volume for tip sounds when you tap the screen. Sound event Change the volume for event music. Show next move If checked, next possible moves are shown. Show the last move If checked, the last move is shown on the board.
Also the following shortcuts graffiti strokes get you have some some commands. Try to write 'n' on Graffiti area. You do not need Menu Strokes.
- Shortcut Graffiti Strokes
Stroke Function 'n' Start a new game 'N' Start a new record game 'u' Undo 'r' Redo
On recording mode, your win-lose results are recorded. You can start a new record game from 'New Record Game'.
To confirm if you are in recording mode, '=REC=' is shown at the bottom left corner.
You cannot use UNDO, REDO, and Configuration on this mode. Each time you start a new record game, the configuration window is opened, which allow you to set up a game. You need to select one of white or black, because you have to fight against computer on this mode.
If you stop a record game with 'New Game' or 'New Record Game', the result is added as 'Draw'.
On record game, you can not save your game, because you can cheat Potelo and get good win-lose results if you can save.:-)
You can change color table of Potelo 2.0 on Palm IIIc or grayscale mode.
Function editing the color table will be added in the next version.
Special Thanks to Souten, AMU and FocV tech ML members
another Default
Monochrome for Visor
Title = Lady
Title = Pink
Title = Men
Title = Spring
Title = Sea
Title = Pastel
The latest Release version of Potelo is 2.0.
Official release is announced at FocV Project, FocV Project(Mirror), PalmGear and PDA Shop Vis-a-Vis". Our latest version and beta testing program should be posted in Potelo Official Page.
Mar 28, 2000 - Potelo 2.01 Release Bugs in 'Show next moves' and 'Show the last move' fixed. Mar 26, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 Release Color devices supported.
Grayscale/Color/Small icons added.
Color Table added.
Some bugs fixed. Mar 21, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 Palm-Q special version A little customized version for Palm-Q User Group. Mar 21, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 CD version Binary for Simply Palm CD. Mar 14, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 beta 5 Icons are changed. Mar 7, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 beta 4 Grayscale and Color Icon added. Mar 6, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 beta 3 Mar 6, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 beta 2 Mar 5, 2000 - Potelo 2.0 beta 1 Color and grayscale density are changeable. Mar 4, 2000 - Potelo 1.4 alpha 2 Support Color devices also. :-) Feb 22, 2000 - Potelo 1.4 alpha 1 Dec 21, 1999 - Potelo 1.3 demo version
Potelo 1.4C alpha 2 images
Road Map Potelo 2.1 - - Color table editor.
- Fight the other through IR.
- Hanabi on color devices devices. :)
- Brush up Algorithm. more and more strong. :)
Potelo is Shareware.
If you LIKE Potelo, please register from PalmGear, Vis-a-Vis.