Pilomns - Columns clone for Palm Pilot Copyright (c) 1999 by Hide Itoh . All rights reserved. What is Pilomns? ---------------- Pilomns is one of the Tetris like game. The purpose of the game is to get as high score as you can. When the same pattern of blocks lines more than three in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction, the blocks will be removed. The more you erase the blocks, the more score you get. That's it, enjoy. Game Levels ----------- There are 3 games levels, Beginner, Intermediate, and Special. You can change the game level anytime even in the middle of the game. However, if you select a different game level, the ongoing game is automatically canceled and reset to a new game for the level. < Beginner > The slowest game speed (speed of dropping block, speed of erasing matched blocks) < Intermediate > Default game level. It's almost same game speed as the older version of Pilomns. < Special > Game speed is slightly slower than intermediate level, but the number of block pattern is increased from 6 to 7 patterns. Therefore, it's much more diffecult than intermediate level. However, there's some special features to this level. Every 100 points of score, a bomb block will appear. This bomb block drops down to the very bottom by destroying all the blocks below. Make a good use of this special bomb block! In addition, if you erase blocks in chain, the chain meter (three circles just below the level indicator at the right of the game screen) will go up. The increasing number of the chain meter depends on the depth (level) of the chain erasure. It goes up one for 2nd chain, and two for 3rd chain, and so on... When the chain level meter goes up to three, the blocks in the bottom row is completely erased, and the chain level meter reset to zero (all white). Key Operations (and customization) ----------------------------------- You can customize the game operation key (hardware keys) at the Preference dialog. Be sure to select different keys for each operation. With version 1.5 or later, two hardware keys that are not assigned to any game operation can be used to pause the game. To start the game again, press the 'Start' button or press any hardware keys. You can also play Pilomns with keyboard. Here's the operation key for keyboard players. Arrow key operation Block Move Left ------ Left Arrow Key Block Move Right ----- Right Arrow Key Block Rotate --------- Up Arrow Key Block Drop ----------- Down Arrow Key Ten key operation Block Move Left ------ '4' Block Move Right ----- '6' Block Rotate --------- '5' Block Drop ----------- '2' Scores ------ Calculation of score point has been changed. With older version, erasing one block always gave you one point. With version 1.5 and later, erasing blocks in chain gives you more point. The point of erasing one block depends on the levels of the chain erasure (point = 1 x chain level). The more chain levels, the more point you will get. Game Speed ---------- With older version, the accelaration of block dropping speed was determined by the current score. With version 1.5 or later, the accelatation is determied by the total amount of playing time. This means that it's better to drop the block as soon as possible to get better. Version History --------------- 1.5 (3/11/99) * Added three game levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Special) * Each game level has it own high scores * Fixed a bug caused by canceling high score name input * Unassigned hardware key can be used to pause the game now * Changed the way to calculate the game score * Changed the way to accelerate the game speed * Changed the menu and dialog interface * Changed the application icon and added a new small icon 1.3 (3/3/99) * Improved high score name entry (stores and uses the last input name) * Disable hardware key at the new high score dialog to avoid the unexpected application switching. * Added a shortcut key to the Block Image... feature 1.2 (2/26/99) * Added a new block image and modify existing images * Added 'Animated Erasure' mode to the Preference setting dialog * Increase the delay before erasing matched blocks * Fixed a bug related with New menu * Added Cancel button to New High Score dialog * Improve the game sound * Some other minor modifications 1.1 (2/23/99) * Selectable block image (4 types) * Added New menu for starting new game * Added game sound mode * Improved high score display * Improved user interface * Fixed some minor bugs 1.0 (2/20/99) * First public release. Authors Home Page ----------------- Pilotware --> Hide's Pilotware Download http://members.xoom.com/4xfun/ Mac Software and Icons --> Hide's Software Download http://www.vcnet.com/hide/ Copyright and freeware distribution ----------------------------------- Pilomns is a freeware and is copyright ©1999. Hide Itoh asserts the right to be identified as author and has provided this software as a freeware. You can distribute it free via electronic bulletin boards, user groups, and person to person. When distributed, all accompanying files (the Read Me document, the program, etc.), are to distributed with the software without exception. The software is not to be included with any commercial software or any public domain/shareware package sold for profit without proper written consent from the author. There's no technical support available for this software. However your comment and bug reports are always welcome. Please send your e-mail to Hide Itoh Disclaimer ---------- While the author of this software has made every effort to deliver a high quality product, The author does not guarantee that this product is free from defects. The author is not responsible for any damage to the purchaser's computer system or data and in no event will I be responsible to the purchaser for any consequential, incidental, or indirect damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of data) arising out of the use or inability to use this product, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you. The use of this software includes the complete agreement of this disclaimer.