[Palm - Targ] Version 1.0 By Luis Pieri http://habitantes.elsitio.com/lpieri/ [I. Introduction] Palm-Targ is a clone of Exidy's arcade game TARG. This program is CAREWARE, this means: if you like this game and you want to support my work and help me to write another game, you can send to me a nice e-mail, a postcard from where you live, money (always help) and of course sugestions. PLEASE DISTRIBUTE THIS GAME WITH THIS README.TXT FILE DO NOT INCLUDE THIS GAME IN ANY CD COMPILATION WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. [II. Game Information] Your mission is to defend the 100 sectors of Crystal City and destroy the Targ's Ramships and Smugglers. When there's only 1 or 2 ships left a Smuggler ships appears on the screen and start chasing you. After Sector 5 the maze layout becomes more complex. The speed of the game accelerate a little when you clear a sector. You must use the buttons in your Pilot to control your ship: Left, Right, Page-Up, Page-Down and Fire. In the Title screen you can also use the Page Down/Up buttons to decrease/increase the level. I still enjoy playing this game (TARG) in the PC (Thanks MAME team) so why not write a Palm version of it? [III. Thanks to] My lovely wife Adriana and my wonderfulls daughters Clara & Emilia, for make my life better. ALL the people behind PilotGcc. W. Cherry for PilRc & all his excellent tools. T. Harbaum for MULG and the MULG sources. And the people who support my previous work... Jochen Woywadt Max Ma Dominik Oslizlo David.McKee Gary Duke [IV. Links] Coming soon... [V. BTW] Sorry for my English. (I speak spanish) My name is Luis Pieri, I'm a System Analyst from a small and beatifull country between Brazil & Argentina (Southmerica) called URUGUAY. I'm married and I have 2 wonderfull daughters, I think you just guessed why I have so little time left to write games... :-) I work developing real-life applications (VFP) and administring a WinNT network for a Investment Broker. Please visit my homepage (http://habitantes.elsitio.com/lpieri) and enjoy the java and pilot apps. The source code is available to anyone, just mail me. Please feel free to send bug reports or corrections.