PalmNums written by Hans Scholz, © EmperoR Studios, MM ( The goal of this game is to gain as many points as possible from buttons distributed at random order on screen. To collect points, the current player (indicated by an arrow pointing at his name) can select one of the buttons in the activated row or column (surrounded by two lines). Once a button is selected, its value is added to the player's score, the selected button is removed, the row (or column) rotates by 90 degrees around that button and the other player can select a new button. The collected points are shown at the bottom of the screen under the players' names. While the Palm is taking its turn, an hour-glass is displayed next to the Palm's name. Depending on the constellation of buttons, the computer's search may take two or three seconds. You can see a smiley which shows the if the palm thinks the current situaltion is good or bad. You may play against another player or against your palm (default). You can change this in the "options" form with the "cpu" checkbox. You can set your tip-level from 1 to 6 as well as your opponents tip-level (or skill, when you play vs cpu). If "auto" is checked, the palms skill will be adjusted to your skill (2x won increases skill, 2x lost decreases skill). In the "options" form the players' names can also be edited. The gray version of PalmNums can be run in a b/w mode (disable the "gray" checkbox) Furthermore, buttons with special functions may be disabled or enabled here. While the meaning of the numbered buttons are straight forward, the special buttons are as follows: 2x: the current player can select another button, but the row/column rotates ??: the value of this button is yet unknown - select at own risk +-: this button changes the signs of all number-buttons If the game seems to hard, you can reduce the opponents skill or use some cheats (there are cheat codes for god mode, invulnerability, map and more) In the demo version of PalmNums you are eventually reminded to register. If you register, you get all cheat codes and free updates. For information on how to obtain the full version please look at our website at To contact Hans Scholz, the author of PalmNums, please mail to