To order by mail or fax, print out this form, and fill out all the information requested. You may order by credit card by faxing this form to (408) 984-1764. Or mail it along with a check to:
Electron Hut
P.O. Box 127
Santa Clara, CA 95052-0127
Description | Quantity | $ each | Total |
Klondike Solitaire for Palm | $12.00 | ||
FreeCell Solitaire for Palm | $12.00 | ||
Sokoban for Palm | $12.00 | ||
Total: |
If we cannot read your handwriting, we will not process your order
and may not be able to reach you if your email address is not legible.
User Information:
Email address: ___________________________________
Palm Username: ________________________________
If you don't know your Palm Username, run Klondike, and from the opening screen, click the 'Unlock' button. The serial number you receive will be keyed to your Palm Username. Please double check that you have written it correctly on this form or the serial number we send you will not work.
Payment method:
( ) Check enclosed. NOTE: Checks MUST be US funds, drawn on a US bank.
( ) Credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express)
Number: ________________________ Expiration Date: ________________________ Name on Card: ________________________ Signature: ________________________ Billing address: Address: ________________________ ________________________ City: ________________________ State: ________________________ Zip: ________________________ Phone: ________________________ optional, but recommended in case we cannot reach you via email)