How to Play

The object of Klondike is to move all the cards to the ace piles, starting with aces and working towards kings. The cards are dealt out into seven columns of one to seven cards, each with the top card turned face up. Columns of cards may be built up in descending order, and alternating color. For example, the six of hearts may be placed on either the seven of clubs or spades. If the top card in a column is removed, revealing a face-down card, turn it face-up. Only kings, or stacks of cards starting with a king, may be moved to an empty column.

The remaining cards in the deck are available for play. You may choose to turn these cards over one at a time, or three at a time. The topmost card in the discard pile may be played on the columns or the ace piles. When you run out of cards in the deck, flip the discard pile over and continue.


The main play of the game involves moving cards from one pile to another. There are two modes which can be used: 'drag' and 'tap'.

Drag mode: Tap and hold the stylus on the card(s) you want to move. Drag the cards to their destination.

Tap mode: Tap and release the stylus on the card(s) you want to move. This will select the cards. Then tap the stylus on the destination position for the cards, and they will move.

If a card is face down, tapping on it will turn it face up. Tapping on the face-down deck will turn over one or three cards, depending on the mode of play which is selected. If the deck is empty, tapping on the 'O' will turn over the discard pile. In "Vegas rules" mode, you are only allowed to go through the deck 1 or 3 times. The "O" will change to an "X" when you have gone through the deck for the last time.


Pressing the page-up key will move as many cards as possible to the ace piles. This feature is handy after you know you can win, but you just need to move all the cards to the aces. You may also graffiti in a space (left to right horizontal stroke) to activate autoplay.


Pressing the page-down button will undo the last move. You can undo the last 100 moves. You may also graffiti in a backspace (right to left horizontal stroke) to activate undo.


Klondike | New Game -- starts a new game (and the abandoned game is considered a loss, as far as the statistics are concerned)

Klondike | Preferences -- allows you to specify several display and game-play options:

'draw one/three' - Draw one or three cards at a time.

'vegas rules' - Restricts you to one or three passes through the deck. Also displays a monetary score: -$52 + $5 for each card moved to an ace pile.

'show big suit icons' - If selected, a larger suit icon is used when drawing the cards.

'drag/tap mode' - Selects the method of moving cards.

'deck location' - Rearranges the screen layout to your liking.

NOTE: If you change either the draw one/three option or the vegas rules option, a new game will be started. If you have not made any moves yet in the current game, a new game will be started automatically, and the abandoned game will not count against your statistics. If you are in the middle of a game when you change these options, your current game will be counted as a loss.

Klondike | Statistics -- Shows how many games have been won/lost, as well as the longest winning and losing streak. Also shows the total amount of money wagered on 'vegas rules' games. Pressing the 'reset' button on this dialog will reset the statistics to zero.

How to Order

You may purchase Klondike online with your credit card. Please visit our web site at for more information. Or, you can order by mail. Send a check for $12 (US funds drawn on a US bank) to:

Electron Hut
P.O. Box 127
Santa Clara, CA 95052-0127

Include the following info along with your check:

We will email you a serial number to unlock the software for permanent use.


We welcome feedback about our products. Please email all comments, suggestions, and bug reports to