JacksOrBetter 1.2 for Palm OS Copyright 2000 Kristopher Johnson. All Rights Reserved. Portions Copyright 1999 Neal Bridges. All Rights Reserved. JacksOrBetter is a video poker simulator for Palm OS-based personal digital assistants, including models from Palm, Handspring, TRG, and Sony. JacksOrBetter is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public license. See the documents LICENSE-JacksOrBetter.txt and gpl.txt for details. The program source code is included in the src subdirectory of the full distribution package. See http://videopoker.sourceforge.net for source code, software updates, and other resources related to this program. If you find a bug or have suggestions for improvements, please send e-mail to kris_johnson@users.sourceforge.net. If reporting a bug, please indicate which brand and model of PDA you are using, and the version of JacksOrBetter. Note: Version 1.0 of this program was released with the name "VideoPoker". This program is not related to the VideoPoker program published by Rose Software (http://www.rosesw.com). The author apologizes for the confusion. INSTALLATION If you are have Palm Desktop on Windows, simply double-click the JacksOrBetter.prc program icon, and then the program will be installed the next time you HotSync your PDA. For other operating systems, read the appropriate documentation for the desktop software you use to HotSync with your PDA. HOW TO PLAY The game follows the rules of Five Card Draw poker. You are dealt five cards. You choose which of these five cards you want to hold, and which you want to discard. You then "draw" new cards to replace those you have discarded. After the draw, you receive a payout based upon the score of your hand. You start with 100 chips. Each hand costs 5 chips to play. The payouts for winning hands are as follows: Pair of Jacks or Better: 5 Two Pair: 10 Three of a Kind: 15 Straight: 20 Flush: 30 Full House: 45 Four of a Kind: 125 Straight Flush: 250 Royal Flush: 4000 You can use the "Payouts" button in the game to see this chart. When you run out of chips, you may begin a new game. The Statistics command, located on the Options menu, will display the number of hands and games that you have played. $Id: README.txt,v 1.7 2000/11/12 03:25:44 kris_johnson Exp $