GuessMe Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Tan Kok Mun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the shareware version of GuessMe 2.0 for Pilot. Please read REGISTER.TXT for more information. For corporate user, please e-mail me for licensing information. The latest version of this software can be found at : CONTENTS ======== 0. WHAT'S NEW 1. GAME FEATURES 2. THE GAME 3. TO PLAY 4. INSTALLATION 5. DISCLAIMER 6. REGISTERATION INFORMATION 7. DISTRIBUTION 8. SHAREWARE AGREEMENT 9. LICENSING AGREEMENT 10. HISTORY 11. PROBLEM ? 0. WHAT'S NEW ========== - The minimum required PalmOS version is 2.0. PalmOS 1.0 is dropped from this release because some of the features required is not available in PalmOS 1.0. - Color, Gray-scale and Black & White supported. - Computer player. You can now play either as the code maker or code breaker. - Three level of computer player skill. - Updated with new scoring system. The score is based on the code complexity and the number of rows used to solve. - Two game type: Single : Standard game of one play as code maker and the other the code breaker. Match : Each player play as a code breaker, taking turn to break the code with the least number of rows. Each match consists of a set of games. The number of games are user selectable. - Three hinting type, to provide more challenge. The classic is the Black+White hint. The most difficult is the White Hint only. - Updated Quick Fill method. To quick fill, just tap on the peg and rest the pen on the peg for the duration defined by user in Preference. - I'm often asked, does the computer player cheat. The Computer player does not cheat. To prove this, you can play as the code maker. When asked for the secret code, select "SECRET". When asked to provide hint, do provide the right hint and see for yourself. The computer will verify your hints at the end of the game. - You can now scroll through all your previous guess if it exceed the screen display. 1. GAME FEATURES ============= - Color, Gray-scale and Black & White supported. - Computer player. You can now play either as the code maker or code breaker. - Three level of computer player skill. - Two game type: Single : Standard game of one play as code maker and the other the code breaker. Match : Each player play as a code breaker, taking turn to break the code with the least number of rows. Each match consists of a set of games. The number of games are user selectable. - Three hinting type, to provide more challenge. The classic is the Black+White hint. The most difficult is the White Hint only. - Variable secret code size (User selectable of 3, 4 or 5). - Variable peg number (User selectable from 5 to 9). - Give-up capability which will show you the secret code. - Ability to request for 1 hint per game. - Three different peg look. Change is immediate. - User selectable, auto select replaced peg. - On-line help(tips). - Statistics of game won, lost and scores. - Guess forwarding. - Able to clear selected current guess. This is done by tapping on the selected peg on the left again to unselect, follow by tapping the peg on the guess column. - Quick Fill enable you to fill in your guesses quickly by just selecting the peg. 2. THE GAME ======== GuessMe is a luck plus logic deduction game. The objective of the game is to guess the secret code, using the least number of rows. The Codemaker, will create a secret combination of codes using the available pegs. The Codebreaker will attempts to guess the secret code. Clues are given for each guess, using small black and white pegs. Each black peg shows that you have a right peg in the same place as the Codemaker's combination. Each white peg shows that you have the right peg but in a wrong place as the Codemaker's pegs. Each hint code is meant for one peg only and black hint precedes white hint. You can play other variant of hinting. 3. TO PLAY ======= To play, select the peg on the right and put it in the row on the left. When you are comfortable with your guess, press OK. The MENU commands are as follows : COMMANDS ~~~~~~~~ - NEW : Play a new game. This is treated as a lost game to you if you have not completed the game. Select the New Game Options and select OK to start a new game. Select CANCEL if you do not want to start a new game. Select CLASSIC to set the new game setting to classic setting. ie. Code size of 4, Possible pegs of 6, Duplicate pegs of 0 and Hint type Black+White. New Game Options ================ GAME TYPE - Single: Use the CODE BREAKER option to control who plays the code breaker. - Match : Competition between you and the computer to use the least number of rows to break the code. The number of games per match is set by GAMES PER MATCH. The CODE BREAKER option will determine who will start the game first as the code breaker. HINT MODE - Select variant of hinting. - Black+White : Both black and white hint is used. - Black only : Only black hint is given. - White only : Only white hint is given, except when the secret code is guessed correctly. - For Black Only and White Only hinting, the rules to determine the hint is still the same. CODE BREAKER - Select who plays the code breaker. COMPUTER SKILL - Set the computer skill level when the computer is the code breaker. SECRET CODE SIZE - How many pegs are used to form the secret code out of the available pegs. DUPLICATE PEGS - How many times the same peg can be duplicated in the secret code. eg. With a setting of 1, it means each peg can appear 2 times in the secret code. - REDO CURRENT GUESS : Clear the current row guess. - GIVE UP : Give up on existing game and show the secret code. - HINT : Request for a hint. You are allowed one hint per game and 5 points will be deducted from your score. - SHOW STATS : Show the game statistics. You will be shown the number of games you have won, game lost, total score, current score index and the top score index. Score index will only be computed after the fifth game. You can reset the score by pressing the RESET button. The TOP SCORE INDEX will never be reset. PREFERENCES ~~~~~~~~~~~ PEG TYPE - Change the look of the peg. SELECT REPLACED PEG - When set to YES, the peg that you replaced for your current guess will be selected. This is handy when moving the pegs around. QUICK FILL DELAY - Controls how long to press to indicate quick fill. MARK HINTING ERROR - Controls when to indicate any manual hinting error. DISPLAY MODE - Auto will use the highest possible display mode. B&W is black and white. Gray is shades of Gray." - HELP : Summary instructions about the game. - ABOUT : Author information. OTHER FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Smart auto guess forwarding. Select the bottom triangle at the bottom of each column to activate this feature. When activated, the triangle will be a solid triangle and when you press "OK", your next guess will have the previous guess propagated to it. When activating on a new guess, it will propagate previous guess if it is currently empty. Similarly, during deactivating, if the current guess is the same as previous guess, it will be cleared. 2. To clear current guess, select the "selected peg" on the left again to unselect it. Follow by tapping the peg on the guess column. 3. Quick Fill. Activate by pressing the peg continuously for pre-defined time. The current empty column will be filled in sequence from left to right with the peg you select on the right. 4. When playing as the code-maker, you will be asked to create the secret code. To create the secret code, do the following: - Press the peg to place peg into the secret code. This is done from left to right. - Press AUTO and the computer will generate a random code for any missing code. - Press CLEAR to clear the last filled code. - Press SECRET to indicate the code is secret. Use this if you do not trust the computer. With this, you will have to provide hinting for each computer guess. The hint is verified at end of the game. If there is any error in hinting, the game is considered won and the row with the wrong hinting is not counted. - Press DONE when you are satisfied with the secret code, press DONE to continue. 5. When playing as the code-maker, you will be asked to provide hint for the guess make by the computer. To provide hint, do the following: - Press the respective color peg to provide the hint. - Press AUTO and the computer will generate the hint for this guess. This option is not available for SECRET CODE. - Press AUTO-ALL and the computer will generate the hint for the rest of the guesses. This option is not available for SECRET CODE. - Press CLEAR to clear the last filled hint. - Press DONE when you are satisfied with the hint given, press DONE to continue. 4. INSTALLATION ============ Install guessme.prc using the standard pilot application installer. 5. DISCLAIMER ========== The author will not take responsibility for any form of damage or loss that occurs when/by using this program. By using the program, you have agreed on all the conditions stated here. 6. REGISTERATION INFORMATION ========================= For registration information, please read the REGISTER.TXT file. 7. DISTRIBUTION ============ This manual and all accompanying files may be distributed freely, provided that: - Neither text nor any other file is modified in any way. No file may be omitted nor added in the distribution. - No money may be charged for the program nor for any accompanying files, other than the usual downloading time fees charged by commercial BBSes and online services. - I want to know where my program will be distributed. Please notify me if it will be included in printed matter, floppy, or CD-ROM before its publication. No matter what the circumstance, I would strongly appreciate a copy of whatever collection in which it is included. 8. SHAREWARE AGREEMENT =================== GuessMe is a ShareWare. After registeration, you are licence to use it. All ownership and Copyright of the software belongs to Tan Kok Mun. Please read LICENSING AGREEMENT below. Each registered version is licence to use in only one machine. 9. LICENSING AGREEMENT =================== The software accompanying this document (the Software) and the related documentation are licensed to you by Tan Kok Mun (the author) after the registeration or during the trial period of the first 30 usage from the date of installation. The software contains copyrighted material and other proprietary material. 10.HISTORY ======= 19/09/2000 - Version 2.0 02/08/1998 - Version 1.6 - Documents update - Fix PalmIII compatibility (PalmOS 3.x). - Smart auto guess forwarding. - Redo current guess capability. - Able to clear selected current guess. This is done by tapping on the selected peg on the left again to unselect, follow by tapping the peg on the guess column. - Quick Fill enable you to fill in your guesses quickly by just selecting the peg. 15/04/1997 - Version 1.5 - Support variable secret code size (User selectable of 4 or 5). - Support variable peg number (User selectable from 5 to 8). - Settings are divided into two main group. Visual Settings and New Game Settings. 23/03/1997 - Version 1.0 - First public release version. 11.PROBLEM ? ========= If you wish to contact me, I can be reached at: E-Mail : Web Page :