GuizmoSuite v1.4 * PokeMe v1.4 * Backjack v2.2 $Header: //JDMdev/My Palm Code/GizmoSuite/Docs/ReadMeGuizmoSuite.txt#3 $ Released Oct 18, 1999 - PokeMe UPDATE. Copyright 1999, Jim Murff ------------------------------------------------------------------ GuizmoSuite :: This is the beginings of a suite of Card Games. Currently, it contains Backjack (aka 21, aka Backjack) and PokeMe (aka 5 Card Draw). ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.) Push a button to select: Backjack - 21 or Blackjack card Game. PokeMe - 5 Card Draw Poker Game. 2.) Push the DEAL Button to take you to the corresponding game screen and start the game. The Menus available on this screen: - allow you to play either game. - allow you to see statistics from either game. - See the about this program. - Quit Gizmo Suite. (why would you want too?). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Backjack :: This is a simple implementation of BlackJack (aka 21, aka Backjack). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Rules: - The Goal is to get your Cards to total 21 without going over that score. * Cards 2-10 = face value. * Cards J,K,Q = 10 pts. * Ace = 1pt or 11pts. - This implementation uses one Deck(52 cards). - The HIT button deals you a card. - The STAND button passes turn to the Dealer. - If you bust (go over 21) or get 21, deal automatically passes to Dealer. - Pilot has to hit(take a card) on any score of less than 17. - If the NEW DEAL button is hit the deck continues to be used unshuffled. - Hitting the NEW DECK button causes the deck to be shuffled and re-dealt. - Once a deck is used up it causes a reshuffle and a new hand is dealt. - There is no splitting currently. - Statistics are available for Current games and Running Totals from the first time ever played. Select the Statistics menu item from the Backjack main screen. Future ideas include in no Particular Order: - Splitting. - Psuedo Money.(Betting) - Double Down. - Save State. - 6 deck version. (Las Vegas Style). - Odds calculations. - Ability to setup a hand and play it out with odds. - Virtual Players so Odds can be calculated with more than just You and the Dealer. ------------------------------------------------------------------ PokeMe :: This is a simple implementation of Poker. (aka 5 Card Draw). ------------------------------------------------------------------ Goal of Poker is to have a higher hand than the other players. Hand Ranks: * Royal flush - 10,J,K,Q,A same Suit. * Straight flush - Any straight with all cards of Same Suit. * Four of a kind. * Full House - 3 of a Kind and a Pair. * Flush - 5 cards of all the same suit. * Straight - 5 cards in Series not of same suit. (e.g. A,2,3,4,5 or 7,8,9,10,J) * Three of a kind. * Two Pairs. * One Pair * High Card - If both cards are same then High Suit decides it. * Suit Order: (lo->hi) Diamond,Clubs,Hearts,Spades. - 4 cards can be discarded if an Ace is held. - This implementation uses one Deck (52 cards). - If you hit NEW DEAL button it causes the deck to be shuffled and re-dealt. - DRAW button replaces cards not held (TAP a card to HOLD it) by the player and passes turn to the Dealer. Future ideas include in no Particular Order: - Psuedo Money.(Betting) - Save State. - Odds calculations. - Ability to setup a hand and play it out with odds. - Virtual Players so Odds can be calculated with more than just You and the Dealer. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Installation: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.) Using your favorite PalmPilot Install program, install GuizmoSuite.prc. This runtime version will replace any other installed version of GuizmoSuite. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Files included: ------------------------------------------------------------------ GuizmoSuite.prc - Palm Application. (30k on the Palm. 1k Database) Credits.txt Changes.txt ReadMeGizmoSuite.txt - this file. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Contact: ------------------------------------------------------------------ This has been tested on PalmIII and Palm IV. Feedback welcome! Please report Bugs to Jim Murff ( Support Shareware! If you like this game pay $5 at or If not that's cool too! Enjoy!! Gizmo is a Good Dog ------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal: ------------------------------------------------------------------ This software is provided as is, with no guarantee of fitness for any particular task. The user assumes all responsibility for its use. ================================================================================