GizmoSuite v1.40 $Header: //JDMdev/My Palm Code/GizmoSuite/Docs/Changes.txt#3 $ Released Oct 18, 1999 - UPDATE Copyright 1999, Jim Murff --------------------------------------- v1.40 10/18/99 ============== FIXED: - PM More rigerous scoring checks. - PM Fixed a bug with two pair scoring. If there are two pair check second pair before using suit to determine a winner. ADDED: * PM Added Statistics for PokeMe. * PM Besides telling who won, allowing new deal, and telling hand values, Now like Backjack and allows you to see statistics via results screen. * ALL Added ability to clear all Statistics for PokeMe and Backjack from respective statistic screens. * ALL Added ability to get to either games statistics from Intro screen. v1.30 09/13/99 ============== - NOT RELEASED v1.20 09/13/99 ============== FIXED: - PM Fixed full house and three of a kind scoring. Wasn't testing correctly so scored as pairs most times. ADDED: * PM Besides telling who one added hand values to the Results. This makes it like Backjack and allows you to start a new game without having to see final Card Table (if you want). v1.10 09/09/99 ============== FIXED: - BJ Fixed Backjack Winning Percentage Calculation to exclude Draws. - BJ Fixed a blackjack hand to allow dealer to tie with its own blackjack hand. - PM Fixed full house scoring - Sometimes didn't recognize it. - PM Fixed high card scoring to not consider suit unless card values are tied. (e.g. Potential for 7 of Spades to beat 10 of Diamonds if suit is considered at all.) ADDED: * ALL Added Cancel Option on all quit dialogs. * ALL Added Draw option directly from the Results Alert. This allows for faster playing. * BJ Added Statistics access directly from the Backjack results screen. BJ - Backjack PM - PokeMe ALL - Both v1.00 09/03/99 ============== * Initial release.