---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donkey Kong Jr for PalmOS (c) 1999, Aaron Ardiri ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GAME: ========= Mario has Donkey Kong locked up in a cage. Junior is on a mission to save his father. He must evade snapjaws and attacking birds to get keys that open the cage Donkey Kong is locked in. Controls: --------- There are two modes of control for your runner: KEYS: Use five of the keys on your Pilot to control Junior. STYLUS: Tapping a location on the screen will move Junior to that location. The [MENU] button terminates the current game. High Scores: ------------ A high score table is being maintained at the Donkey Kong Jr web page: http://www.hig.se/~ardiri/development/palmIII/index.html When registered users play, they are shown an information screen containing their SCORE, game type and access CODE. This info should be emailed to the address shown. Registering: ------------ In order to register Donkey Kong Jr, you will need to purchase ONLINE (using your credit card or by phone orders) at PilotGearHQ. http://www.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/aaronardiri.html OR http://www2.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/aaronardiri.html Donkey Kong Jr. is ONLY US$5, and ALL updates are FREE. Once you register at PilotGearHQ, a registration code will be sent to you the NEXT working day (unless I am sick?) :) Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------