How to register Conqueror ------------------------- As you noticed some features of Conqueror are only avaible in the registrated version. So if you like to use these features you have to register. You can do this at: PalmGear H.Q. The registration fee is: $12.5 (USD) PalmGear H.Q. phone ordering number: 817 461 3480 PalmGear H.Q. fax ordering number: 817 461 3482 When you register you have to give your PalmUser name (the one you have choosen with your first HotSync). If you don't know your UserName start the HotSync program on your Palm, the name is displayed in the top right corner of the program screen. It is very importent that you give your correct UserName otherwise I can't give you your personal registration code. After you have registered you will receive an Email from me with an attached file (conq_reg.pdb). Install this file on to your Palm. Conqueror will automatically be registered if it finds this file. Keep the file on your PC as a backup in case you have to do a hard reset. The registration code will work on every new version of Conqueror. My Address: Collin R. Mulliner Die Fuchsloecher 25 61184 Karben Germany EMail: WebSite: