5000 Ver 1.0 for any Palm hardware or software by Tom Atwell Oct 11, 2000 available at: www.palmgear.com 5000 is a 2 to 4 player Palm dice game. GAME PLAY The game begins by entering the name for each player. There is a default player name that can be changed to any name with 8 or less characters. When done entering the name tap the OK button. Or to make that player be the Palm tap the Palm button. This will replace the shown name with Palm. Warning: If you make all players the Palm the game will continue playing by itself until it is over. Once all names are entered the first player must tap "Roll" to roll the six dice. A number will appear above the dice showing the total points available for that roll. The player pulls the point dice that he wants to keep to the "Pulled" row by tapping on each die. If the player changes his mind on what to pull before rolling he can tap the die in the "Pulled" row to put it back in the "Rolled" row. The points of the dice pulled are shown at the bottom of the screen above "Points this turn". The player may then roll the remaining dice. Dice that are pulled are underlined after a Roll. These dice are no longer available to put back in the Rolled row. A bad roll is when there are no points in the rolled dice. At this time the turn is terminated and the points for that turn are lost. The player must start with 750 or more points to enter the game. Sometimes it can take many turns before the player gets his first 750 points. After that the player can stop with any number of points. Unless he has rolled all 6 dice. Then he must roll at least 1 more time to "make it good". When the player hits Done the points for his turn are added to his overall score. The player to reach 5000 first wins. ------------------------------------------------------ SCORING: 1s = 100 5s = 50 3 of a kind = die X 100 examples: 3 2s = 200 3 3s = 300 exception: 3 1s = 1000 3 pairs = 1200 1 2 3 4 5 6 = 2000 6 of a kind = 5000 Any of the combinations, like 3 of a kind, 3 pairs, or 6 of a kind must be in the same roll to count. Example: you already pulled 2 fives and on the next roll you pull another five it will add up to 150 points and not 500 points. ------------------------------------------------------ THE PALM SCREEN FOR 5000 The top of the screen displays the players names with their score bellow. The players name is underlined when it is his turn. Bellow the players is the Rolled row. This displays the dice that have been rolled. Tapping on a rolled die puts it in the Pulled row. The number directly above the rolled row is the rolled point value. Whenever this number is zero you have a bad roll and the turn is over loosing all points for that turn. It us up to the player to pick and choose which point dice he wants to pull from the rolled dice. The Pulled row shows the pulled dice. Tapping on a pulled die returns that die to the Rolled row. This is to allow the player to change his mind before rolling. Once the roll button is pushed the pulled dice become underlined. These dice can not be returned to the Rolled row. The Roll button is only functional at the beginning of a turn or when there is a point value greater than 0 in the "Points this turn" area. When this button is pressed the will be randomly changed and the rolled points value is updated. The value in the "Points this turn" area is updated as each die is pulled. This is a cumulative value for the entire turn. This value drops to zero when the pulled row contains any non-point dice. During the process of pulling a three of a kind the value may drop to zero until all 3 dice are pulled. The Done button is used to end a players turn. Done can not be used when a players current score is 0 and the players "Points this turn" has not reached 750 points. Done is also disabled when the "Points this turn" is 0. When the game is over a window pops up showing the current winner and showing the total wins for each player. If you select "Yes" for "Play same players" then a new game starts keeping the same players and their respective wins. If you select "No", then a new game starts allowing you to change the players with each player starting with a wins value of 0. The "Yes" is used when you want to play many games with the same players and be able to see who wins the most games. Be aware that the "New Game" menu option will clear the total wins. This Palm game saves the state of the game when you do something else. So, if you want to look up a phone number or run another app you can do so and the game will return where it left off. -------------------------------------------------------- THE MENU: The menu can be accessed by the menu button or by tapping the 5000 in the top left corner. New Game: This will start a new game allowing you to enter new players names. The players win values are returned to 0 when this option is selected. Preferences: The preferences will show in the registered and the demo version. However, changes are not allowed in the demo version. When displaying preferences tap the i in the top right corner to get a list of what the preferences do. Preference Options: Play To: This option selects the point value needed to win the game. Some people like to play to 10,000. And if you want a quick game you can play to 3000. # of Players: This Palm game supports from 2 to 4 players. Any number of which can be the Palm. Warning: if all players are Palm then the game will continue to play on its own until it is over. Start Points: Traditionally we have played with a start point value of 750. With a start point value it does not matter who starts first because usually it will take a few turns before you can enter the game. However, some people may want an easier starting game. For that you can use 600. If you set to NO. Then you can start with any amount of points. Make It Good: With this set to yes you must roll again after pulling all 6 dice. This adds a twist to the game because sometimes you think you have a good turn with a lot of points yet when you try to make it good you can roll a 0 and loose all your points for that turn. Or you can get greedy and continue to roll and either get a lot of points or no points. Palm Speed: When controls the amount of delay while the Palm it playing. This gives you time to see what the Palm is doing. When set to fast with the sound off the Palm plays so fast that you can hardly see what he is doing. Sound: When set to off the game goes a little quicker because it takes time to make sound. The higher the number value the louder the sound. There is a tone for each time a die is moved. There is a clatter sound when the dice are rolled. There is a double tone for when the Done is used. There is a low raspy sound when a bad roll is played. And there is an end game series of notes. When the sound is on and you are playing against another person you can kind of tell what is happening without seeing the Palm. Personally I prefer to use the sound on when playing the Palm set to fast. I can not really see what the dice are, but I get a feel for what is happening by the sounds. Total Wins: This displays the current players names and the total number of wins for each player since these players have played. The OK button exits this screen. The Clear button will zero the values for the players and continue the current game. If you wish to zero the values and start a new game then select New Game from the menu. Rules: The rules displays a short synopsis of the rules. About: This shows the version, developer, creation date, and where this game can be found. The i tells that this software was developed using Quartus Forth from www.quartus.net and using RsrcEdit from www.individeo.net --------------------------------------------------------- INFO POSTED AT PALMGEAR When my wife was a child 5000 was her favorite game. And even today our whole family likes to play. It is played with 6 dice. Players take turns rolling the dice and pulling out point dice and rolling the remaining dice again. The idea is to roll as much as you can to accumulate points without getting a bad roll. A bad roll is when you have no points in the rolled dice. When this happens you forfeit your turn and your points for that turn. As the amount of dice that you roll goes down the chance of getting a bad roll goes up. A player must get 750 points to start the game. Also, if the player uses all 6 dice he must roll again to "make it good". The registered Palm version of 5000 allows you to have from 2 to 4 players. Any number of those players can be the Palm. However, if you set all of the players to the Palm you will have to let the game play until it is over. If you are in the middle of a game and you want to do something else on the Palm you can. When you go back to the game it will return you to where you left off. The demo has no time limit and may be freely distributed. It has no nag screens and is fully functional. However, in the demo the preferences can not be changed. The demo is limited to a play to score of 5000, 2 players, make it good turned on, palm speed slow, and sound off. When you play against the Palm in demo it does play slow. But this gives you time to see what the Palm is doing. In the registered version when set to fast speed the Palm plays so fast that you can not really see what it is doing. I assure you though that the Palm does not cheat. I had never heard of this game from anyone other than my wife. However, after I stated developing this game I did a little bit of research and found out that there are many variations. Here is a short list of similar games: 10,000, Cosmic Wipout, Zilch, Farkle, Keepers, and Bupkis. I realize that others may not play 5000 the same way that we do. The demo version of 5000 plays exactly the way my wife played it as a child, and the way we prefer to play it today. Yet, there are a few options in the registered version to allow the game to play a little differently. This game was developed using Quartus Forth and RsrcEdit. Both of which can be found here at palmgear.