3D Tennis ver. 2.1 (TrialWare)
This application is rated  5 stars at ZDNet! (read review)
Included in Preston's Palm Picks for August there.

Copyright information : This software and the idea are copyright of Stefan Komilev. This trial version may be distributed by/to anyone.
website: http://palmdepot.dir.bg
e-mail: komilev@dir.bg
Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Credit to Joe Stadolnik for PToolboxLib color&grayscale graphics library.
the official PToolboxLib site:  http://www.geocities.com/retro_01775/PToolboxLib.htm

This is the 3-rd successful model of a real game from the same developer.
Please, try the others:
3DBingo û the only bingo for PalmOS ever. For 1-20 Palm devices. 60+ levels (bingo shapes).
                    Rated 5 stars at ZDNet !!!
3DLotto game&checker&filler

The developer seeks a permanent job position in a Palm software company.

Table of Contents:
1. Description. Updates.
2. How&Why do I register a licensed copy?
3. Installation. System requirements (please read this!)
    3.1. Uninstall
4. How do I play?
5. Preferences. The Menu.
6. New players' computer model - 1000000s combinations!

            Control over the game speed.
7. Update of the Top20 Rank List:
    - from the productÆs website
    - from Yahoo web resources of ATP and WTA Tours
8. In Palm Memoriam.
ReadMe.htm - this file
update.txt  - top20 database updates & upgrade instructions
3DTennisGC.prc - the color&gray ver. 2.1
PToolboxLib.prc - the color graphics library ver. 5.01
Top20Men.pdb - actual rank-list, according to ATP Tour
Top20Women.pdb - actual rank-list, according to WTA Tour
PocketC.prc - PocketC runtime library ver. 3.8
BlackWhiteVer.zip - the black&white 3DTennisBW.prc ver. 1.5 for Palm 2.0 support

1. Description.
Ultra-realistic 3D action. Become Number One tennis player in the TOP 20 Rank List of Men and Women Singles.
During the course of your game, this application will keep you up to date with the official ranking of ATP and WTA Tournaments. The playersÆ database is updated monthly. Even more, the user will be able to import it directly from the Yahoo sport pages.
Two player mode: An exceptionally attractive game for two in 3D space using one Palm PDA.
Finally, this is the only tennis game for PalmOS  ever.
NOW supports COLOR , GRAY SCALE(4 & 16 shades) and BLACK&WHITE, any hardware, any PalmOS from 2.0 to 3.5+.
This application is a strong test of the graphical potential of your Palm device. You are able to play it under all color schemes, supported by the device.

Program Updates:
ver. 2.1: (be sure to read the upgrade instructions update.txt if you use older version!)
The application has been almost completely rebuilt.

ver. 1.4: ver. 1.2: Top20 Database Updates & Upgrade instructions:update.txt

2. How to register?
3D Tennis is a shareware. You are able to try it for a trial period of 30 days.
If you like this original idea & find this program useful then you must register.
The licensed version costs only 8 dollars.
The developer really needs your small grant to continue...

The unregistered version is restricted in generation of the new computers models only.
All game modes are available in both registered and unregistered version.

You can purchase a licensed version at www.palmgear.com (PalmGear H.Q) directly here:
PalmGear H.Q maintain a secure server to accept credit cards for all registrations, as well as taking telephone orders.
You can order 3D Tennis from PalmGear H.Q. by phone: 817.640.6558 or by fax: 817.640.6614.
You will receive an e-mail from developer with the Registration Code based on the Hotsync user name of your Palm device. Start 3D Tennis. Click on Menu | Register 3D Tennis from the main screen to complete registration.
Note for the new users: To access the Menu click with the stylus on menu silk button of you Palm device. It is hard-painted at the down-left corner of the Palm Screen.
Please allow 1-2 business days for processing/e-mail of the registration info

Why to register?
All future updates will be free for you.
Registered users with receive monthly e-mail notification of the upgrade of the ranking list according to ATP (Association of Tennis professionals) and WTA (WomenÆs tennis association) - Top20Men and Top20Women.pdb.
Registration is the only way to keep your position in the TOP20 Rank list after the end of the evaluation period!
Registered version is able to generate 1000000s various computer models of tennis opponents, while the unregistered one works with 20 default models. This game never ends.
The registered version can vary the speed of the game, according to your preferences.

3. Installation.
Memory requirements:
It is important to understand that you have two separate choices depending of  which PalmOS runs on your Palm device and  how much free memory you have:
1. Color&Gray ver.2.1 - 3DTennisCG.prc requires 61 KB + additional 22 KB for the color library PToolBoxLib.prc .  It supports Palm OS 3.0-3.5, the color PalmOS 3.5.
While running the 2 players' game only  it requires additional free RAM depending of the color scheme.
3D Tennis will free it all at exit so the other programs will be able to use it.
If there is no enough RAM for it, this application will NOT crash. You will be able to continue at less colors depth.
2. Black&White ver.1.5 3DTennisBW.prc requires 40 KB only and does not need PToolBoxLib.prc to be installed on the device.Required Operating system: Palm OS 2.0 or above, including Palm IIIc. It does not allocate additional memory while running.

The Color ver is mutch more attractive. If you need free RAM you can switch easily between Color and black&white versions on the fly. Just install 3DTennisBW.prc over the 3DTennisGC.prc and you will be able even to continue your saved color game in black&white.

General Installation instructions:
Start your Palm Desktop application on the PC.
To install the game to your handheld choose the game file, for example,
  3D Tennis.prc
and run it using Explorer, commandline, or your favorite file manager.
Palm Software Installation utility will prompt you with other installation
options.  Then put your Palm in the cradle and press the hotsync button.
Instalation of color&grayscale version 2.1 Instalation of black&white version 1.5
PocketC.prc (if you haven't it already)
PToolbox.prc (if you haven't it already)
Top20Men.pdb OR Top20Women.pdb
PocketC.prc (if you haven't it already)
3DTennisBW.prc (it's in BlackWhiteVer.zip)
Top20Men.pdb OR Top20Women.pdb

Downloading PocketC onto your Palm set gives you the possibility to upload 100s of useful programs and games, which you can find in their great variety on www.palmgear.com, www.handango.com and other many web-sites, which contain PocketC sections. Of course you can start with checking out two other unique games developed by the same programmer: 3DBingo & 3DLotto!
Having PToolboxLib gives opportunity to run any other PocketC color application.
You change the rank-list from Men to Women or v.v. at any time by installing pdb files.

3D Tennis, especially the game is not working properly on the Emulator application. It's not buggy but the Emulator refreshes the screen too slow for it.

You can beam this application to a friend. Beam both PocketC and 3DTennis application. 3DTennis will start with an empty database.

3.1. Uninstall
If you decide to deinstall 3D Tennis, we regret your decision. Please think again that you just won't find a full-colored 3D action at this prise.
1. If you haven't other PocketC programs you can delete the PocketC from the Menu of the application launcher.
If you have ones you must keep it. In this case to remove all 3DTennis databases, start PocketC and delete the several small databases which starts with "3DTennis...". To do that you must click on Menu | Databases first.
2. Delete 3DTennis itself.
3. Delete PToolboxLib application if you haven't other color games that require it.

4. How do I play?
If you find the game a bit too difficult in the beginning, do not despair û after all, you are playing against the computer models of some of the best world tennis players! You may wish to start with the 20th ranked tennis player, or just change the level of difficulty to ôbeginnerö by clicking on the 'Prefs' button.

The speed of the ball and difficulty depends on the Rank position of your TOP20 opponent.
You can choose betweσn 4 levels of difficulty using  the "Preferences Panel".

Each of the Top20 Players has a different strategy. The registered version of 3DTennis is able to produce new strategies (see Item 6).
But it is important to note that they also make typical for the real tennis mistakes, i.e. fault, double fault, out, miss:

  1. the fault mistake: the ball served did not hit the proper area of the opponent's court. The service will be replayed.
  2. the double fault: two consecutive faults. Your Top20 opponent loses a point.
  3. out: the ball in play hits the ground outside any of the lines which bound your part of the court.
  4. miss:  a player fails to return the ball.

Control Buttons during the game: (hard buttons from left to right without PgUp & PgDown) :pause, sound on/off, (quit) back to main screen, Preferences Panel.

New in ver. 2.1: To exit to application launcher and to use other programs click with the stylus to Home ("Applications")  silk-button (it's hard painted at the left corner of the device).
When you restart 3D Tennis, it will automatically take you to the last unfinished game, if any.

4.1. ╥he game rules:
The virtual 3D Tennis follows very closely the scoring rules of the real tennis game. The only differences are the following:

3D Tennis is using advantage set system of scoring. The set will be extended until a margin of 2 games is reached.

4.2. How to move the racket?
Simply point with the stylus where in the field you would like to meet the incoming ball.
You can do this several times.

4.3 Left or right return:
If you return the ball both with the left hand and right hand side of the racket, it will fall near court side-lines. These two hits would present an additional challenge for your TOP20 opponent, so try and use them more often. It would be fair to say that you can conquer the ranked 1 to 8 players only if you get familiar with this technique.

The Service:
The ball served must hit the ground before the Receiver returns it. 3D Tennis will take care for right positions of the players, accordind to the real tennis rules.

4.4. ╥he game modes
All modes are available in both registered and unregistered version.
3D Tennis has 3 modes of play for you to try. All the modes are selected from the main title page using the corresponding buttons.

    1. Tour (ôPlay for Rank Noà. ô button):

    2. You play two compulsory qualification games according to a scheme set by 3D Tennis. There are 3 outcomes, according to your results: 1) you move one level up the Top20 rank list, 2) you remain at your current rank level, 3) you lose one rank level.
      The surprise for registered users only is that the game will not end when the rank No 1 is reached.
    3. Training ('Practice' button)

    4. This mode allows you to practice against one of the famous players, whom you can select from a list-box. Please note that the game results will not count for the TOP20 ranking.
    5. Two players game.

    6. An exceptionally fun game for two players using one device. The view point will ôflyö over the field into 3D space according to who is in turn to hit the ball. You can use a non-sharp plastic pen as a second stylus.
      Both players can be moved at any position of the court. Please, read more about  memory requirements of the 2 players game.

5. Preferences. Menus
You can launch Preferences Panel in two ways:
1. From the main screen: click on the 'Prefs' button
2. During the game: press the last from the right Palm hard button (MemoPad).


The menu (from the main screen only!)
To access the Menu click with the stylus on menu silk button of you Palm device. It is hard-painted at the down-left corner of the Palm Screen. The menu options are clear enough and  I will not describe them here.

6. New players' computer model - 1000000s combinations.
Control over the max. speed.
This option is limited to Registered version of the product only.
To make use of this killing 3DTennis option just click from the main screen on Menu | New players model or at the Model panel which is situated at the bottom right of the Main screen.
While the unregistered version has only 20 fixed mathematical models of your Top20 tennis opponents (the default model) the registered ver. 1.2 is able to generate various players' computer models.
The parameters: ball max.&min speed, tactics, skill etc. are varied randomly.
You will be asked whether you want the new models to be faster or slower then the default ones.

You can use this menu option at any time. Your rank position wiil be saved during this proccess.
Remember that you can always return to the Default model by clicking on Menu | Restore default model.

7. Update of the Top20 Rank List:
The version of the game consists of two parts: A.BBB or A.A.BBB
You can see the full version of 3DTennis if you click on Menu | About.
To view the date of the last update click Menu | Top20 Rank List info
If you receive a 3DTennis.zip as a update:
If  the BBB part has been changed only, install Top20Men.pdb or Top20Women.pdb only. This means monthy update of TOP20 Rank List.
if A.A. part has been changed too - this is a new release of 3DTennis application. Install the new 3DTennis.prc other the previous one.
You can find an installation instructions for every new update in the update.txt file

7.1. From the productÆs website.

Once a month TOP20 Rank list will be updated in accordance with the real-life ranking group of ATP (Association of Tennis Professionals) and WTA (WomenÆs Tennis Association).

You can download the updates from the following URL:

Just install the new Top20Men.pdb or Top20Women.pdb file to your Palm device. Your own position in the Top20 Rank List will be saved during the update.

The registered users will also get an automatic update from the Palm Gear H.Q at every technical possibility.

Please note that this will be done automatically as long as there are at least 10 registrations of the 3D Tennis per month and the developer is in a good health. Otherwise the registered users can always update the 3D Tennis database, as described below.

7.2. Updating the 3D Tennis TOP20 List using Yahoo web resources of ATP and WTA Tours.
You have the incredible option to import the Tennis Rank List directly from the sport pages of Yahoo and other web resources. This has been done to secure endless support for the registered users.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Start you Palm Desktop software. Click on the Memo button.
  2. Browse to those web pages using your desktop web browser:

  3. Men (ATP):     http://sports.yahoo.com/ten/atppoints.html
    Women (WTA):   http://sports.yahoo.com/ten/womrank.html
  4. Select with the mouse a part of the page, containing first 20 players or just Select All& copy.

  5. It is not neccessary to select only the first 20 players. You can select any part of the page containind first 20.
  6. Activate your Palm desktop application an Paste the selection in the left window of MemoPad area.
  7. Change the first line of the new created memo to be ôtop20menö or ôtop20womenö (default)
  8. Hotsync your Palm device.
  9. Start 3D Tennis and choose Menu | Import Top20 from Memo. 3DTennis will proceed with an advanced semantic processing of the text, extract precisely the relevant information about the players and update your 3D Tennis Rank List. This process may take a few seconds so please be patient.
  10. If the information about some of the players has not been correctly recognized, you can edit it manually using Menu | Edit TOP20 Player.
Of course, the user always can create the memo ôtop20menö manually. The format is (for example):
1. Pete Sampras, United States
2. Magnus Norman, Sweden
3. Lleyton Hewitt, Australia
19. Dominik Hrbaty, Slovakia
20. Nicolas Kiefer, Germany

The important thing is that every player must be on a single line.
The developer did not tested if itÆs possible to update from Yahoo using the wireless technology of Palm VII. Maybe yes.

8. In Palm Memoriam
This software is dedicated to the memory of my lovely old Palm Pilot with 1 MB Upgrade.
Hi left me accidentally two days before the first release of 3D Tennis.

Good luck and enjoy!