3D Bingo Games List
Find new bingo games at http://palmdepot.dir.bg/shapes - 62+ games total  (22+ free)

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There will be more updates of the games database. Support 3DBingo project now.
Bingo shapes preview Title
(the $ means game winnings, not a price for you!)
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N040 Round-to-it 50$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN040.pdb
N039 Corner Nine Pack 40$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN039.pdb
N038 Two Special Sunrises
100$ R
N037 Regular sunrise 50$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN037.pdb
N036 Small rot. Centre cross
40$ R
N035 Rotating Center Cross 60$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN035.pdb
N034 Sputnik 50$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN034.pdb
N033 Three Squares 30$+40$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN033.pdb
N032 Spider 30$ U Free-3DBingoGameN032.pdb

N031 The Square Dance 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN031.pdb
N030 The Finger 30$ U Free-3DBingoGameN030.pdb
N029 Picnic Table 40$ U Free-3DBingoGameN029.pdb
N028 Coffee Mug 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN028.pdb
N027 Block party 30$+50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN027.pdb
N026 Anchor 40$ U Free-3DBingoGameN026.pdb
N025 Tornado 40$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN025.pdb

N024 Postage stamps 40$ U Free-3DBingoGameN024.pdb
N023 Hang the manager 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN023.pdb
N022 Special Checkers 70$+30$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN022.pdb
N021 Regular Checkers 70$ U Free-3DBingoGameN021.pdb
N001 Regular game 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN001.pdb
N002 Special game 50$+100$ U Free-3DBingoGameN002.pdb
N003 Special X game 100$ U Free-3DBingoGameN003.pdb
N004 Rotating arrow 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN004.pdb
N005 Regular block of six 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN005.pdb
N006 Special block of six 50$+50$ Free-3DBingoGameN006.pdb
N007 Table game (pattern) 40$ U Free-3DBingoGameN007.pdb
N008 Table game (no patt.) 60$ U Free-3DBingoGameN008.pdb
N009 BIG Rotating H 50$ U Free-3DBingoGameN009.pdb
N010 The 'Hi' game 60$ U Free-3DBingoGameN010.pdb
N011 Cross & Corners 100$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN011.pdb
N012 Christmas tree 60$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN012.pdb
N013 Dollar sign 1$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN013.pdb
N014 Rotating pyramide 100$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN014.pdb
N015 2 Lines bar 50$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN015.pdb
N016 The BIG N game 30$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN016.pdb
N017 Jail Ceil 40$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN017.pdb
N018 Thunderburd 50$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN018.pdb
N019 Rotating BIG L 30$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN019.pdb
N020 Block of 16 70$ R Registered-3DBingoGameN020.pdb


Copyright Note:
The author disclaims any and all liability for consequences resulting from the use of this program.
You have rights to beam or email, give as a present and so on separate 3DBingo games databases and  to distribute THE UNREGISTERED VERSION of this program to other Palm users but only of its entirety.
The unregistered version can be used for not more then the evaluation period of 3DBingo.
The author reserves the rights to change the update policy at any time.
The idea and patterns of the included bingo games are not subject to copyright. They are the author's representation of bingo
games played in different bingo halls all around the world.
(c) Stefan Komilev & Computrade, 2000