- Is a simple program which offer you to trace your most important events. Every event has his own date, remainder few days before and repeat section. Repeat could be any numbers of year. One year for birthdays, anniversary, or more years for ...
- All events are displayed on main screen. User can choice many various type of display, create new events and edit events.
- All events could have his own alarm, and on arrivals time alarm will ring. xHAPPY also offer you Snooze mechanism for alarm event.
- Display Preferences
- On this dialog user can choice Sort type ( Name,
Born Date, Alarm Event) display type (Single, Double or Triple line) or year show type (Coming year or Year past)
- User can also disable showing born date and coming year.
- Alarm Preferences
- On this form user set default parameters for Alarm.
- Alarm time is a time on which will every event ring.
- Alarm Preset is initial remainder in days for every new event.
- Alarm Sound is sound type. Repeat sound is how many times will ring. Remind me is number of times sound will play in intervals of Play Every.
- Repeat preset is initial repeat for every new event.