Thanks for downloading
work-it-out version 1.
Work-it-out version 1 is freeware
and you are free to use it for as long as you want.
You are also free to
distribute it in it's original zipped format.
DISCLAIMER : the author of
Work-it-out cannot be held responsible for any damage or data loss to any
device or equipment arising through it's use.
This is a simple program I
developed to allow me to log my workouts at the gym.á Although there are other programs out there that do this, they
all require stylus based input and navigation, which isn't the most effective
method when you've just run x miles or benched x lbs!
work-it-out is designed,
where possible/required to allow touch-based navigation and input.á The buttons are big enough to be pressed
using your finger or thumb.á Once you've
added some exercises to your exercise list, there's no reason why you can't log
an entire workout without using a stylus.
I hope you enjoy using this
program (please let me know).á I've
already had a tremendous amount of response from it.á For those of you who would like to try a more feature packed
version, v2.0 is now available for download from
. V2.0 is shareware ($15) and you can try it free for 30 days.