version 1.0 Freeware û manual.
Work-it-out version 1.0 is a very easy to use, basic program
for keeping track of your workouts at the gym. ItÆs different to other such
programs, because it has a TouchDrive interface, where the buttons, where-ever
possible are designed to be large enough to be used with yor finger/thumb, and
a stylus isnÆt required.
Main Menu
The Main Menu gives you one of two options, Exercises, which
deals with creating and editing exercises to use in your workouts, or Workouts,
which deals with logging your latest workout or viewing previous workouts.
Exercises Screen
On this screen, the list on the left details all the
exercises currently stored in the databse, in alphabetical order.á The three buttons in the top left create a
new exercise, edit an existing exercise, or delete an exercise.á
New/Edit Exercise
For each new exercise you add, you need to specify a name,
and a default measurement unit.á This is
simply a default value that will be loaded when you select the exercise in your
workouts, and it can be changed for each individual set that you do.
Workouts Screen
The Workous Screen provides you with one of two
options.á The first is to create a log
for todays workout, and the second is to view previous workouts.
Creating a log for a new workout.
This option provides you with the æNew SetÆ screen.á To add a set to todays workout, siply fill
in the relevant details and press ænext SetÆ to add another set or æDoneÆ to
end the workout.á
Adding an exercise.
To add an exercise, you can type one directly into the
field, or if you have it saved in your list of exercises, press the change
button with brings up the Change Exercise screen.á Here you can sroll the list using the up and down buttons, and
select the relevant exercise by pressing the done button.
Changing reps.
Because of the way Work-it-out saves the number of reps, you
canÆt enter them directly into the field.á
You must press the change button and use the æChange Rep CountÆ form to
adjust the number of repititions.á
Pressing æDoneÆ saves the number of reps and brings you back to the
æEdit SetÆ form.
Changing weight.
As with the reps field, the weight cannot be changed
directly.á You must use the æchangeÆ
button to access the æchange weightÆ form and adjust the weight from
there.á On this form, you can also
specify if the weight is measured in KGs or Lbs, or you can leave the default
Adding Comments
You can add a comment up to 80 characters in length for each
set that you do.á Unfortunately, you
will need to use a stylus to do this but I hope to include a pre-defined
comments feature in future versions (see shareware.txt for details).
Saving the set.
If you intend to do another set for the current workout,
press æNext SetÆ.á Your changes will be
saved.á If the exercise you chose is not
in your list, Work-it-out will ask if you want to save it.á Work-it-out will also remember the last
exercise that you did, and choose it automatically for your next set.á If this is not the exercise you want, simply
change it.
If you have finished the current workout, or you want to
exit the æEdit SetÆ form for whatever reason, press æDoneÆ.á
PLEASE NOTE : sets with zero values for reps and weight are
known as null sets, and will not be saved.
Viewing previous workouts.
Choosing æview/editÆ from the Workouts Menu will provide you
with the Workouts By Date form.á Here,
you will be presented with a scrollable list of all previous dates where you
have logged a workout.á Simply use the
up/down buttons to select a date, press the æSelectÆ button and you will be
presented with a scrollable table containing each of the sets for that workout.
Tapping on any of the sets lets you edit them if the æEditÆ
push button is selected, or deletes them if the æDeleteÆ push button is
selected.á A note icon next to a set
tells you that a comment is stored for that set.