The Grand Design presents... TrainTrack An exercise log for the Palm Computing Platform Filename: traintrack.prc Version: 1.0 Size: 17k Compile Date: 3/6/00 @ 4:57pm Author: Joe Grand The Grand Design Introduction: Train(ing)Track(er) is a portable exercise log. It was specifically created to serve as a running log - tracking daily running routes, time, mileage, workout type, and notes. The application form is based on Bill Rodgers' WinTrainer for Windows. TrainTrack was created for my own personal use. I am releasing it for free in hopes that others have been looking for a similar application and may find it useful. However, if you use TrainTrack on a regular basis, please let me know! Usage: Choose the day by tapping on the day-of-week buttons or using the hardware up and down buttons. Jump forwards or backwards a week by tapping on the arrows. Go to a particular log date by tapping on the current date (upper left of the main form). Tap on the icons to change the Weather, Temperature, and Mood: () Weather: Fair, Cloudy, Humid, Rain, Snow, Windy, Night, Indoors. () Temperature: Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot. () Mood: Happy, Okay, Blue, Sick, Injured. Write the Course, Distance, Heartrate, and Notes in the provided fields. Change the distance units by tapping on the pop-up list: () Distance Units: Miles, Kilometers, Meters, Yards. Change the Workout type by tapping on the pop-up list: () Workout: Easy, Intermediate, Hard, Speedwork, Competition. The log entry will be saved when TrainTrack is exited or the log date is changed. Disclaimer: The Grand Design assumes no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties which may arise through the use of this software. The Grand Design assumes no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Contact with any comments, questions, or bug reports. TrainTrack works with PalmOS v2.0 or greater. ChangeLog: Version 1.0: - Initial public release EOF