PalMoon version 0.0.3

1) What is "PalMoon"?

"PalMoon" is a program for displaying information about the moon. I think it works fine on PalmOS 3.1 (or later) devices. I used IBM WorkPad c3(8602-50X) to development.

Not only the binary but also the source code is available. This program is free software and it is distributed under GPL.

Core calculation source code is borrowed from UNIX public domain software "moontool", written by John Walker. His comments can be found in `README.ORIG.TXT'. The image of the moon was made by Joe Hitchens.

2) Before using.

a) Required library.

This program requires 'MathLib', an IEEE-754 double-precision math library. You can get the library from .

b) Timezone setting.

First, you have to set the timezone correctly. To set the timezone(abbreviation and time difference), open the menu and click "Option" -> "Timezone".

Your timezone may be found in "Preset" pulldown menu. Otherwise you can set these items directly.

[notice] set the time difference in second.

3) View.

Displayed information will be updated at least every one second.

Unfortunately there is no space to print the image of the moon. 160x160 is a little small.


GMT Greenwich Mean Time.
The local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England.
UTC Coordinated Universal Time.
Greenwich Mean Time updated with leap seconds.
JD Julian Date.
Julian Day Number is a count of days elapsed since Greenwich mean noon on 1 January 4713 B.C., Julian proleptic calendar. The Julian Date is the Julian day number followed by the fraction of the day elapsed since the preceding noon.
MJD Modified Julian Date.
It was introduced by space scientists in the late 1950's. It is defined as "MJD = JD - 2400000.5".
Lunation The number of the lunation (interval between New Moons) is E. W. Brown's numbered series of lunations. (starting on 1923 January 16)


v0.0.1 (24 Jul 2000)
initial release.(@nifty FPALM - PalmComputing Users' Forum)

v0.0.2 (26 Jul 2000)
minor bug fix.
international release.(PalmGear H.Q.)

v0.0.3 (31 Jul 2000)
minor bug fix.

PalMoon webpage is at:
Copyright(C) 2000 Tatyana(Yamamoto Takanori)