Welcome to the interactive help for OneTwo. Please view the following documentation carefully before using the software. This software is distrube as it is and I do not take responsibility for any kind of damage caused by the software or any loss of data. The product has been tested on several different Palm Connected Organizers and their no data was lost durring the use of the software.

Installation Progress:

1) Extract the .prc file from the .zip archive to a folder on your desktop computer with your favorite zip software. If you have not already installed a zip program, take a look at http://www.winzip.com.

2) Open the .prc file that you have just extracted from the .zip archive. A new program called "Install Tool" will open on your desktop computer and the .prc file that you have opened before will be displayed in the list. Press Done and confirm with OK.

3) Perform a HotSync operation to install the selected program on your Palm Connected Organizer.

The software should now be installed proberly on your Palm Connected Organizer. Please follow the next section on using the software.

Using The Software

1) To open the software on your Palm Connected Organizer, simply go to the Application Launcher (the Home symbol near the Grafitti writting area). Go down until you find a program called "OneTwo". Tap on OneTwo to open the program.

2) To enter a new homework into OneTwo, simply tap on Add Homework and a new form will be displayed. Please enter the information's you want for the homework. Once you are finsihed entering the information's tap on Done. The homework will now be displayed at the index of OneTwo.

3) To delete a homework in OneTwo simply tap the homework you want to delete from the index and press Delete.

If you have any further questions, please don't hessiate to contact me under palmorganizer@christopherschlembach.com. I'm always happy to receive new features for OneTwo, suggestions or just to hear your comment.