My Shopping Cart  V1.0

This program is designed with simple to use in mind. Basically, it is your daily groceries shopping list.

It will help you to prepare and remember what you have to buy when you are in the store/supermarket. Of course, you can use this program for other than groceries shopping as well.

First, you have to put those most freq. items in the item database, such as bread, milk, ham, cheese etc. Second, you have to put those most freq. store you visited in the store database.

Then you can start to create a new shopping cart record. it is based on date, month and store. Each shopping cart records can have max. 26 items on it. But you can create unlimited shopping cart.

The field called month is used to filter only show the shopping cart for specific month. so you know how much 
you spent for that month.


Getting Start


 Tap on the items and start input some freq. buy items

 Tap on store to start create the store profile




The price in the items detail is optional and is for informational purpose only.










Input the store details ,





Summary screen to shows all your shopping cart record by month.




Details of shopping cart record. because the store and items already pre-built, all you have to do is just tap on the fields and pick the items. (no input needed)

The > and < button will bring you to next page, so you can have max. 26 items in one shopping cart record.



Tap on the button Total and will let you put in the total amount of that shopping cart, I just put the total amount that shows on the receipt and marked it DONE.

This amount will shows on the first summary screen. so you can easy to see how much you spent for the specific month.


Suggested steps to use this program

1. keep build up the item database as many as you can

2. keep build up the store profile database

3. create a shopping cart record just tap & pick at home and leave the field "picked" unchecked

4. Go shopping and while putting the items in the true shopping cart at the same time update the field "picked"

5. update the Total amount you spent based on the receipt.  chance