Muhurta Manual

    Welcome to Muhurta for Palm Computing Device.
    All news, changes and registration info will be provided on the Muhurta official web site:
    For Muhurta features, System Requirements, Installation and Release Notes please check README.TXT file.
    Please check LEGAL.TXT file for copyright and legal info.

Opening Screen
    Muhurta will open with this screen.
    You can adjust date range used to fill your Date Book with Muhurtas.
    Tap on "from" and "till" dates to select starting and ending date.
Customizing Text
    You can enter the text you want to appear with each Muhurta in the Date Book.
    Tap on the Fill Date Book button to transfer your Muhurtas to the Date Book.
    To remove all Muhurtas from your Date Book tap on the Clear Date Book button.
Date Book
    This screen shows your Muhurtas in the Date Book.
With registered version of Muhurta
    1. You can add/find/update/remove a person you want to do Muhurta for (for a new person just write a name, for an existing ones tap on the triangle and list of saved names will show)
    2. Enter the date and time of birth for a new Native; data will be displayed for the existing Native(s)
    3. Tap on the æBirth CityÆ selector to retrieve city of birth from the Atlas.
    4. Tap on the æLiving CityÆ selector to specify the place where you want Muhurta to be calculated for
    5. Select æfromÆ date when you want your Muhurta to be calculated from (ætillÆ field is always set to 20 days ahead of æfromÆ date. Note: Limitation is due to complex/slow calculation process)
    6. Add the text that you want to see in your Date Book along with Muhurta time
    7. To save personÆs birth data, check the æSaveÆ box
Copyright ⌐ 1999-2000 JyotishSoft All rights reserved.