Mini RX BlackBoard Software, Inc. PO Box 745494 Arvada CO 80006 Enter your prescription information and track when you're due for a refill. Records name, rx#, refills, refill date (sorts by), quantity, dose, and note. Enter the name of your prescription next to name, the RX number next to RX#, how many refills you have left under refills, when the next refill is needed next to refill on, the quantity per bottle next to Qty and on the same line but to the right enter how many times per day to take it (dose), then a note like what type of medication it is, your doctor's name, or a phone number. Tap add to add a new prescription, delete to delete (registered version), next to see the next prescription (registered version), prev to see the previous prescription (registered version), list to list prescriptions by to be refilled date, info for program and registration information. You may register from the above web address.