MHM201 - Mobile Health Management vsn 3.01 - is the sole property of: Simply Unlimited Business Services, (S.U.B.S.), 2318 Plateau Ct., Kingwood, Texas 77339-2951 Phone 281.734.0602 HOW TOs - 06/17/00 Version 3.01 PRACTICE WITH A FEW TRANSQACTIONS OF EACH TYPE TO 'INITIALIZE' THE PROGRAM - IF ANY PROBLEMS APPEAR YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND DURING THE LAST 3-5 PRACTICE TRANSACTIONS, PLEASE E-MAIL WITH THE PARTICULARS AND WE'LL EMULATE YOUR TRANSACTION TO REPLICATE YOUR ERROR... LET US KNOW THE FORM THAT IS DISPLAYED ON THE PALM AND THE STEPS AND ENTRIES YOU HAVE TAKEN BEFORE THE ERROR OCCURRED... MHM Mobile Nutritionist will provide limited data access until you have emailed for your registration code. If MHM locks you out --- you can reinstall MHM and all files will restart. When you have 'purchased' MHM, you will receive a personalized registration code that eliminates the trial message and makes you a licensee for the next 12 months. You will automatically receive any version updates during your license period. Additional 12 month licenses are available for continued support by sending a check for $9.95 to S.U.B.S. (address above) before the end of your 12th month. MHM will not stop operation - but, you will lose your automatic updates, access to the future product features, restaurant packets, etc. etc. etc.... Opening Form If you are not diabetic, you may Tap OK and you will always get the 'dietary' information of all foods chosen from the food library. If you tap the box for diabetic, you will always get the 'Glucose testing' version of the system for all foods chosen from the food library. When MHM automatically opens the Add a New Test form for entering test results (if applicable) to determine the bolus amount of you next injection or insulin pump bolus. You'll also be taken to the profile form to adjust your values for bolus and basal adjustment calculations. MHM will now return you to the Main form... Now your options are: (Diabetic Chosen): "New Entry" - Adds a blood sugar test to MHM. "Foods" - Foods allows selection from the provided menus from selected restaurants. "Profile" - Adjust profile information. -- profile criteria follows in that form's description. "About" - trial status and developer information. Copyright/trademark notifications and announcement information. Tapping on any results line displayed on the Main form will allow editing the entry's information. "IF YOU ARE AN INSULIN-DEPENDENT DIABETIC, YOU NEED TO ADJUST THE PROFILE TO YOUR PHYSICIAN RECOMMENDED (OR YOUR CHOSEN) TREATMENT METHOD. SEE "PROFILE" BELOW FOR DETAILS ON THE VALUES....." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Diabetic Chosen): "New Entry" - [Add a New Test] Form - (Diabetic chosen in profile) Allows entry of a new blood sugar test and/or choosing from the foods currently in your food library for carbohydrate accumulation and calculating bolus injection or insulin pump entry. Form "Add A New Test" opens with date and time already entered - "Insert" option in title line - This option allows entering the information about a test taken when MHM was not available for recording. All values may be entered individually to record the particulars for this test. Once completed, the test will appear on the main form results. "Food" button on "Food Carbos:" The Food button can be Tapped to allow you to choose foods from the food library - OR - you may enter the number of carbos in your planned food comsumption. See "FoodList" form for information on choosing foods from the food library. "I/CHO Ratio" The amount from your profile is automatically inserted here. However, if you have multiple I/CHO ratios, you may alter this number at any time. Only whole numbers are allowed. If you are doing a 'blood-glucose' test, you may enter the results in the "Test Result" blank (verify the Sensitivity Rule - Factor and Target BG values are currect values (these may be changed in the Profile form). Tapping OK will calculate the basal adjustment and bolus dosages determined from the current information you have entered based on your current profile values and post the results into the results table for display on the main form... "Back" returns to opening form without adding any information. "OK" to add this information and see results on the opening form. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Profile] In addition to the User Information described below, MHM uses the values of the following information to compute the Insulin/Humulin units required: Sensitivity Rule & Factor - the rule chosen by the physician (i.e. 1500 or 1800) to be used for computing the sensitivity factor. Have your physician assist in determining this number. Daily Insulin Total Units - total number of insulin units currently taken for planned control. Have your physician assist in determining this number. Target Blood Sugar - Target Blood Sugar test results desired (i.e. 120 ) Have your physician assist in determining this number. I/CHO Ratio - Ratio of Insulin/Humulin to Carbo Grams - normally 1 unit per 10, 12, 13, 15, etc. grams of carbohydrates (i.e. 10 ) Have your physician assist in determining this number. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANCE IS VITAL TO MANAGING YOUR DIABETES... MHM IS YOUR MOBILE DINING SELECTION/DOSAGE CALCULATION PRODUCT THAT WILL GROW WITH YOU.... ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Foods] Tapping "Foods" on the Main Form (or Add a Test form) will bring you to the "Food List" form. If you see the food item you want to choose, you may tap the food item immediately - However, if you do not see the food item you want to choose, you may use the "Source" Drop-Down above the food list to choose the specific restaurant or food manufacturer list to be displayed in the food list below.... (You may add food items to the food list if you do not find items you need to choose. New Sources can also be added from the 'New Source' button in the title of the 'Food Add' form. Source information will also be updatable by S.U.B.S. with any FoodList updates and TPs, etc.) Choosing a food from the list - Tap the food name you choose and the nutritional information will be displayed for a specific serving size for this food in a "Nutritional Info" form. Name - The name of the food item chosen # of servings - ENTER the number of servings according to the "Serving Size" indicated to the right... Serving Size - The serving size for these nutritional values. CHO - Carbohydrates in this serving size. Fats - Fats in this serving size. Chol - Cholestrol in this serving size. Sod - Sodium content in this serving size. Prot - Protein in this serving size. Calories - Calories in this serving size. <--------This Serving--------> - the values below this line are the computed values for each nutritional value above for the number of servings indicated... "Count Values" - Accumulates the 'This Serving' totals into the nutritional totals displayed on the "Nutritional Totals" form. "Back" - removes all selections from the form and returns you to the original 'foods' selection form. "CHO" Button - tapping this button lists all the food from this source in lowest-to-highest carbohydrate order. You may then choose a 'more' or 'less' favorable food based on carbohydrates. Similar buttons work for "Fats", "Chol"estrol, "Sod"ium, "Prot"ein, and "Calories". ------------------------------------------------------------------ ["Nutritional Totals"] Chosen foods are displayed here for an accumulation of the nutritional values for monitoring. Chosen food items are listed above the totals of the nutritional values for the current selections. Tot. Carbs - Carbohydrates in this accumulation. Tot. Fats - Fats in this accumulation. Tot. Chol - Cholestrol in this accumulation. Tot. Sodium - Sodium content in this accumulation. Tot. Calories - Calories in this accumulation. Tot. Protein - Protein in this accumulation. "More" - Returns to the "Food List" form for additional selections. "Done" - Submits these totals to the Nutritional display or, if Diabetic is chosen in your profile, to the "Add A New Test" form. "Back" - removes all selections from the form and returns you to the original 'foods' selection form. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Add A New Test] In adding a new test (Diabetic users only), the form opens with the date and time for this test automatically entered. If the test is from a previous event, you may choose the 'Insert' button in the title... Sensitivity Rule & Factor - the rule chosen by the physician (i.e. 1500 or 1800) to be used for computing the sensitivity factor. Have your physician assist in determining this number. Daily Insulin Total Units - total number of insulin units currently taken for planned control. Have your physician assist in determining this number. Target Blood Sugar - Target Blood Sugar test results desired (i.e. 120 ) Have your physician assist in determining this number. I/CHO Ratio - Ratio of Insulin/Humulin to Carbo Grams - normally 1 unit per 10, 12, 13, 15, etc. grams of carbohydrates (i.e. 10 ) Have your physician assist in determining this number. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ["Profile"] User Information - Each field of the user information must be completed to match the information supplied on the MHMLicense.txt file included in this file set ----- failure to match exactly could cause your S.U.B.S. supplied registration code to fail!!! YOU MUST HAVE YOUR NEW REGISTRATION CODE BEFORE CHANGING ANY INFORMATION ON THE USER INFORMATION FORM - ELSE, YOU MAY HAVE TO RE-INSTALL THE ORIGINAL MHM AND LOSE ALL DATA IN THE CURRENT INSTALL. User Name E-Mail address Street address City State ZipCode Duplicate the MHMLicense.txt information into the above form fields and then place the supplied (by e-mail or US mail) registration code in the Registration field using CAPS and lower case as supplied by S.U.B.S. Otherwise, it ain't gonna fly, Orville......