Jyotisha Manual

    Welcome to Jyotisha for Palm Computing Device.
    All news, changes and registration info will be provided on the Jyotisha official web site: http://jyotishsoft.hypermart.net/
    For System Requirements, Installation and Release Notes please check README.TXT file.
    Please check LEGAL.TXT file for copyright and legal info.

Opening Screen
    Jyotisha will open with current Date, Time and Default City. This can be used for Prasna Kundali or to examine Gochara. Default City is saved when "Use as Default City" check-box is checked.
Creating a New Chart
    To create a new Chart, open the Chart menu and select New.

Deleting an existing Chart

    To delete the Chart, open the Chart menu and select Delete.
Loading an Existing Kundali
    Jyotisha allows you to store and retrieve kundalis on your PalmPilot. To load a kundali that has been previously saved, tap on the Name button and pick one of the saved entries.
Modifying Chart Data
    To modify the Chart, open the Chart menu and select Edit.
    Select decade taping on < and > arrows right to the Date selector.
    Tap on the Date selector to choose year, month and day.
    Choose Neutral, Male of Female button.
    Tap on the Time selector to get an hour and minute (5 minutes of resolution).
    Fine adjust the minute using < and > arrows right to the Time selector.
    Choose 0, 1 or 2 hours for Daylight Savings Time.
    Type in the first letter of the city name.
    Tap on City button and select the city from the list. If your city is not listed just choose any from the list and enter the correct name, longitude, latitude and the time zone.
    Check "Use as default city" if you want this city to be loaded for new charts.
    Select desired Ayanamsha from the menu. Lahiri is the most common in use. Tropical means no Ayanamsha is considered.
    Tap on Done button. It can take several seconds to calculate planetary positions.
Basic Planetary Info
    This is the first screen to appear after calculations are done.
    Select a screen from the popup list at the upper right corner. Eleven different screens are available.
Shodasavarga Screen
    You can choose one of the 16 Parasara Vargas and 4 additional Tajika Vargas.
Kundali Screen
    You can choose Lagna, Chandra, Surya or Bhava Kundali. Lagna Kundali is the same as the Rasi Chart from Shodasavasrga Screen. Bhava Kundali is calculated using Sripati method.
Dasa Screen
    The Dasa Screen displays up to 5 levels of Dasas. Selecting desired date will open the next level for that period. Taping on the left arrow will bring previous Dasa level.
Chart Style
    Select North or South Indian chart style from the menu.
    Select Sanskrit or English from the menu.
How to Register
    This is the procedure:
    1) Open Jyotisha program.
    2) Open Menu, choose Help and then Register.
    3) Write down the SN number from the Register Dialog.
    4) E-Mail the SN number to jyotishsoft@hotmail.com
How to Enter Registration Key
    This is the procedure after you receive the Key from jyotishsoft@hotmail.com:
    1) Open the Help/Register Dialog and enter the Key number.
    2) Restart Jyotisha by opening any other application (i.e. Calculator) and opening Jyotisha again.
Copyright ⌐ 1998-2000 JyotishSoft All rights reserved.