If you own a Palm computer, chances are that you use it to help keep track of a busy
life. A busy life can lead to stress, which can lead to hypertension. Keep track of your
blood pressure with HealthMgr!
[Features] [Ordering] [Support]
- Single Form Entry
Simple entry of date and time, systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, as
well as pulse. Each entry can later be edited, if necessary.
- Notes
Jot down a note to indicate where you were or what you were doing at each
reading. (Very handy when explaining that the sudden spike in your pressure was a result
of a plumbing failure or tax audit.)
- Graphing
Displays a running graph of systolic and diastolic pressures, as well as
lines indicating normal blood pressure. You can switch between views of the last 10
readings, the last 100 readings, and all readings.
- Multiple Users
A useful feature for families tracking their blood pressure, or for the
doctor who would like to keep track of the blood pressure of multiple patients. Since each
user's readings are stored in a separate database, you are limited only by the amount of
storage space you have available on your Palm computer.
- Evaluate
Download by clicking here, or visit our page
on PalmGear.com.
- Purchase Online
Purchase through our page on PalmGear.com.
- Purchase Offline
Send a check or money order for $10 (in US funds) payable to "John W.
Keating III" to:
c/o John W. Keating III
913 Lakeside Terrace
Bel Air, MD 21014
- Known Bugs
Known bugs can be found here.
- Release Notes
Release notes can be found by clicking here.
- Reporting Bugs
Send email to HealthMgr@JohnKeating.com.
If there is a bug, we'll add it to the list of known bugs and fix it as soon as possible.
- Requesting New Features
Send email to HealthMgr@JohnKeating.com.
Requests for new features are always welcome. If we like them, they'll make it into a
future release. (We'll even mention your name, if you're the first to send us the idea!)