Product title: GolfUtil Versions: 3.2 - Introduction Screen is optional for Registered Users. Added Self-Check which identifies File-Corruption. Self-Check compatible with Visor Memory Module. 3.1 - Forgot to activate the color in version 3.0 3.0 - Combined both the Black/White and Color into 1-app. 2.6 - Fixed History Screen Par Bug and Delete Bug. 2.5 - Standardized Registration Screens. 2.4 - Internationally Compatible Number Formats. 2.3 - Registration Screen exits back to Introduction screen. 2.2 - Witkowski-Design 2.1 - Removed SKELETON KEY from Registration. 2.0 - Lowered Price to $10. Altered some screen names. Altered Introduction Screen. Allow hole-by-hole score edit after scores are saved. Activated Scroll Buttons to work on the various screens. 1.9 - Preventive measures against data loss during Game Play while keeping score. 1.8 - Summary Score allows for Shot-Gun Start during Game Play. 1.7 - Added a Reminder to HotSync to prevent Data Loss. 1.6 - Registration Screen Reg-Key Field overlapped Grafitti arrow. 1.5 - In Database.c the score4[] in InitializeDataStruct() was incorrectly initialized. Added button on Score Summary Screen to End before 18th hole. Altered code in SummaryFormHandleEvent() to make this possible. Added an Alert for the END button. 1.4 - Version Check Bug Fix. 1.3 - Added Data Message on Registration Screen. Did some error checking on Fairway claim. Fixed Calculate Total Average bug. 1.2 - History Screen re-arrangement of player name. Bug fix on Score Screen where above par is current sum and not Total. 1.1 - Various Bug Fixes to make code more Dummy-proof. Some code re-write. Altered Database Data Structure. 1.0 - First Release. Description: Complete Golf-Score assistant and DataBase. Requirements: PalmIII PalmOS 3.0 or greater. Features: Black/White or Color capable. Author: Edmund J. Witkowski III FEE: $10 to Witkowski-Design E-mail: