
By Kelly Grout

version 1.0





Player Setup




Leader Board






I have written this score card to assist in evaluating your round of golf without having to base how you play on your score at the end of the round. Scoring an 80 tells you you have been fairly consistent but it does not display the strong areas of your game or the areas that need working on. I have written GolfStats so you input the shots you have played on each hole and the results. This takes a bit longer than inputting a number for the score but after the round is complete you can look at each hole and see how you have played. The score card performs all the normal score card functions by calculating the shots played on each hole and also allowing scores to be entered for 3 other players. I have also calculated a number of statistics from the data to allow quick browsing on how you have played.

I have released this version complete but with many additions planned but I will be starting version 2 from new to allow for greater flexibly. Planned for the next version are saving multiply course details, saving multiply players details, previous rounds stats for last 10 rounds as well as more stats from the current round, hole description and hole reminders. Unfortunately if I were to wait for these to be finished the software would never be released.

I hope you get some use from this product and please mail me with any suggestions or comments.

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Please be aware that this product has only been tested on a PalmV and POSE please back up you Palm device before installing.

To install GolfStats to your Palm you should follow the normal installation procedure you currently use to install .PRC files to your Palm. Install the GOLFSTATS.PRC file and when the application is first run the application creates the database for saving the current round.

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Player Setup

The first screen you will see is the player setup screen this defaults to player1 name "P1". This field is editable allowing 2 character initials to be entered. The players handicap can be increased or decreased using the up and down arrows.

Checking the player2 checkbox will display details for player2 and open the check box for player3 and so on with player4.

Once the players details have been entered you can then choose the type of game you would like to play, the amount of handicaps to be used and the teams from the lists, each of the which are displayed Above. If a team game is chosen then the score list is displayed this has the option for Best Score or Combined. Best Score will be the best score from each team counted or Combined is the total of the team. For any lopsided team the score will be multiplied to make even teams.

Once you have chosen the game type, handicap and teams your screen will look similar to the example above. Pressing the Par button will take you onto the next screen Par.

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The Par screen allows for the input of the course details. The course name is an editable field to identify the course. The Par and Stroke Index buttons will cycle through the 3-5 and 0-18. The other buttons available on the screen are New Course this will clear the course details and also any details entered on the hole info screens allowing for a new round at a new course to be entered. The New Round button will retain the Course Details but will clear down any round information ready for a new round at the current course.

Once All the details have been entered the screen will look similar to the example above the Hole button will take you the the Hole Info screen to start entering the details of your round.

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The HoleInfo screen displays the Hole Number, Stroke Index, Par, Total scores for players 2-4 and the score and breakdown of score for player1.

By pressing any of the numbered buttons down the left-hand side of the screen (These relate to the shot on the hole) will take you to the Shot Detail input screen.

The Shot Detail screen allows the input of Club, Shot Type, Strike, Flight, Result and Distance. The distance is only used to calculate the putting statistics so can be left at zero during open play if time is a consideration. If entered distance should be entered as the distance traveled by the ball for Drives and Iron shots but as the distance to the Pin when playing shots from around the green. This is to so the application can calculate the putting stats. The distance increments by 1 Foot to 45 Feet and then changes to 15 Yards and increments by 5 yards.

Above are the lists for the different inputs.

For Players 2-4 only the total per hole is recorded this is changed via the lists as shown above.

The completed screen will show the score for Player1 on the hole along with the score so far for the round (Score4/4) Pressing this button will take you to the score screens the Score Player1 one screen if only player 1 playing or the Score All screen if two or more players are playing. Prev and Next take you to the previous hole or next. When enter the shots the score screens will not include the details until a shot finished in the hole to make the hole complete.

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The Score All screen displays the par, current players and round totals. Available options are Gross scores that do not include your handicap or Net scores that include Handicap. The screen allows swapping between these two options at any time and the current option will be saved for any other screens with Gross/Net options.. The button options will display the Score Player1 screen that displays player1's score in slightly more detail. Hole will return you to the Hole Info screen and LB will display the current round score on the LeaderBoard.

The Score Player1 screen above display's the par for each hole, player1 score, the number of putts and the current score against par (Run). Again these can be for Gross or Net scores. The button options will display the Score All screen that displays all players scores. Hole will return you to the Hole Info screen and LB will display the current round score on the LeaderBoard.

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Leader Board

The Leader Board displays round information depending on the game chosen in the Payers Setup screen. Game types are Stroke Play, Stableford and Matchplay the percentage of handicaps to be used and the current teams are all displayed.


Displays the points won on the hole with totals for out, in and combined displayed at the end.

Stroke Play

The scoring works on the leader being on Zero and displayed under each players hole is the number of shots behind the leader. If tied then both will display zeros.

Match Play

Match play displays the current number of points with 1 point being scored for a win and none for a draw or Loss.

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The Putter Stats screen displays the following information

Average Putts - Current number of putts for completed holes

Long Putt Holed - Longest putt holed in current round

Average Length - Average length of all putts in round

Average Holed - Average length of all putts holed in round

Greens in Reg - Greens made in regulation shots for the round

Around Greed - Number of shots around green and average of completed holes for round

Putts Made - Breakdown of distance for successful and missed putts

1/2/3 Putts - Number of putts on each completed hole

In/Out/Total - Putts taken for completed holes

Par Stats shows the breakdown of hole results against par and the totals for each type of hole this can be displayed for Gross or Net.

Accuracy Stats displays the Fairways and Greens made from different types of shot types

Club Stats displays the Strike and Flight percentages for Woods, Long Irons(1I to 6I) and Short Irons (7I to SI)

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The following menu's are available throughout the application to take you directly to screens.

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