Ghardeno: Things To Do
Things to Fix (Known Bugs)
- Lazy scroll down bug: when scrolling down, the algorithm stop as
soon as the last row reached the top, even if it could display one
more row without make the top disappear.
- Handle the 'dirty' bit correctly.
Things to Code (Features Not Yet Implemented)
- Write some documentation.
- Buttons to send current item to top or to bottom.
- Display number of non-stroken items in the title bar.
- Use icons instead of buttons in the tool bar.
- Use icons instead of buttons in confirmation dialogs.
Things to Design (Future Features)
- Hidden items (greyed out, are not duplicated, not purged even if stroken, and not counted).
- Dynamic scrolling.
- Fast animated scrolling.
- Drag'n'crop creation and destruction of items.
- Animated insertion.
- Entering text while nothing is edited should create a new item.
- A trash.
- Autocompletion.
- Hardware button to change category.
- Show multiple categories on the same screen, side-by-side, and
allow drag and drop between them.
- Hiding stroked items.
- Multi-lines items.
- Locking a category.
- When no item is selected, setting the toolbar should change the
default formating.
- Implement cut, copy, paste and undo for whole items (not just
their text).
- Better persistant selection: the insertion point of an edited item
should be remembered even if the user launch another application
and go back to ghardeno.
- While editing an item, "enter" should end editing and select the
- When an item is selected, "up" and "down" graffiti-strokes should
move around the selection.
- Drag and drop to another category via the category popup.
- Preferences (auto-shift, new at top or bottom, click sound,
- Draw a prettier icon, and add a small icon.
- Optional numeric and alphabetical sorting: each category should
have the choice between manual, numeric or alphabetical sorting
(and date ?).
- Link items: items that point to a record of another
- On greyscale devices, dim out stroked items.
- On color devices, allow setting color.
- Localization.
Things To Try
- Multiple databases.
- one-click editing
- alignment
- italic
- Hierarchical outlines
- Memorize and show creation and stroke date.
- replace the format toolbar with programmable format templates.