======== Fuel Log ======== This application was written to keep track of the fuel used to run vehicles, i.e. the date, amount, total cost and distance travelled. This application then calculates the fuel economy since the last fill up, and an average cost. It supports many types of units of measurement, e.g. Metric, Imperial and English (US unit types). A summary screen is also available showing averages of your data. If you are running the shareware version of this application, it will time out after 30 days. A full version, as well as other applications by the same author can be purchased at www.palmgear.com. If you are running the full release version please do not distribute it further. This application was written by Darren Franklin, and can be contacted at: darrenfranklin@yahoo.com. If you have any suggestions for improvements or features please let me know. One idea for a future version, is to add charting capability, so you can see your data over time. --------------------------------+-------------------------------- For those upgrading =================== The application will automatically update any existing entries you may have saved, when the application is run for the first time. Unless you have a large number of these then this should not take very long to perform. Any upgraded entries will have the cost field set to zero (0.0), which can be safely left, unless you want to go back and populate them. --------------------------------+-------------------------------- Installation ============ To install this application, use the PalmPilot installation tool to select the file and then hotsync. --------------------------------+-------------------------------- Disclaimer ========== This program is provided as-is, with no warranty given or implied. The author is not responsible for damage or loss of data caused by using this application. --------------------------------+-------------------------------- Release Notes ============= V2.2 15 September 2000 ---------------------- Fixed: 1. The alignment of the values on the main screen. Which were out of vertical alinement if a day in a month was earlier than the 10th. V2.1 17 August 2000 ------------------- Fixed: 1. Calculation of cost per mile/km was double converted from km to miles. This means that users working on kilometers would have seen correct values, and those working in miles would not. V2.0 16 August 2000 ------------------- Added: 1. A cost field, such that money spent can be tracked as well 2. Due to the cost be tracked, it is also possible to calculate the average cost per mile/km since the last fill up. This can optionally be displayed on the main screen list. 3. Summary page added, showing an average of your consumption figures and cost per mile/km. The average is calculated for either all entries or the last 5. Fixed: 1. Problem fixed where an Palm OS 2 machine did not display the values correctly on the main screen. 2. Problem displaying small numbers, less than 1 on the main screen. V1.0, 24 June 2000 ------------------ Initial version released. --------------------------------+-------------------------------- Thanks ====== Many thanks to William Cashin for the suggestions for this new version.