CelestNav is a calculation tool for celestial navigators. It includes a perpetual nautical almanac for the Sun, Moon, navigational stars, and planets. CelestNav requires a Palm-compatible handheld running PalmOS version 3.0 or higher. This includes the Palm III/V/VII family, Visors, IBM Workpads, and TRG and Symbol units. You have 30 days to evaluate CelestNav before you decide to purchase. After 30 days, some input functions are disabled. Pay for Celestnav through http://www.palmgear.com/ or http://www.handango.com/. Cost is $49.95. Please submit inquiries and comments to support@mobilegeographics.com. CelestNav requires the GPL library Mathlib. A copy is provided for your convenience, but Mathlib is freely available to all and you are not paying anything for it. ©2000 Mobile Geographics LLC, 8015 28th Ave NW, Seattle, Washington 98117. (206) 297-9575. MANIFEST This archive contains the following files: readme.txt: the file you're looking at now. CelestNav.prc: the CelestNav executable program file. Download this to your handheld. MathLib.prc: a mathematical library. Download this to your handheld if you don't already have a copy. tutorial.pdb: the CelestNav tutorial in Palm DOC format. Download to your handheld if you have a DOC reader such as Aportis Doc. tutorial.txt: the CelestNav tutorial in plain text format. tutorial.html: the CelestNav tutorial in HTML format, with sample images. Open this in your favorite web browser. images folder/directory: screen images for the HTML version of the tutorial. VERSION HISTORY 2.0: Adds support for the moon. A host of other new features: (1) compute range/altitude/sextant angle for a lighthouse or other structure; (2) compute rise/set/meridian passage times for all celestial bodies; (3) compute times for twilight; (4) improved error analysis for celestial fixes; (5) enhanced DR computation; (6) set and drift calculation for celestial fixes; (7) Mercator and Great Circle sailings. November 2, 2000. 1.03: Bug fix release. Removed two non-functioning menu items. Corrected error in star index that gave incorrect values for Aldebaran, Alioth, Alkaid, and Al Na'ir. Corrected time zone error for UTC offsets above 9 hours. Thanks to Dene Oehme, Ian Mole, and Paul Frymier for help diagnosing these. October 12, 2000. 1.02: Added tutorial. Program has a few cosmetic improvements, and fixes some mislinked menu entries and buttons. August 2, 2000. 1.01: Improved menu arrangement and screen layout (thanks, Lee Shipley!). Registration improvements. Internal bug fixes. July 18, 2000. 1.0: Initial release. July 14, 2000.